Big Swamp 662km W from Adelaide CBD Where is it?: Big Swamp is on the Flinders Highway, 20km NE of Port Lincoln. There is a bird hide which overlooks the central basin in a small area accessible to the public off the Flinders Highway where it crosses a causeway between the central and northern basins. Access to the bird hide is opposite McFarlane Road. Owner: Privately owned Property summary: Total area 200 hectares. Hundred of Uley – Section 17, Pieces 53 and 54 Landscape Management Region: Eyre Peninsula Habitat: Big Swamp has been identified as a wetland of National significance in the Directory of Important Wetlands in Australia (Australian Nature Conservancy Agency 1996). It is divided into three natural basins. The central basin is permanent, whilst the north and south basins are temporary. There are a number of different habitats around the Big Swamp including: Sedgeland with Smooth Cutting-grass (Gahnia filum) Woodland dominated by River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) around the margins Total Species Recorded to Date: 90 (non-passerines 56, passerines 34) Common Species: Cape Barren Goose, Black Swan, Australian Shelduck, Chestnut Teal, White-faced Heron, Galah, Welcome Swallow Less Common Species: Freckled Duck, Australian Grebe, Great Crested Grebe, Glossy Ibis, Cattle Egret, Swamp Harrier, New Holland Honeyeater Updated: 9/01/2022 Download the bird list