Bunbury Conservation Reserve

Where is it?: The reserve is about 40km west of Keith on the western side of Bunbury Road. There is a fire access track along the southern boundary.

Owner: Department of the Environment, Water and Natural Resources.

Property summary: Total area 1945 hectares – Hundred of McNamara – Allotment 101

Landscape Management Region: Limestone Coast

History: This reserve was proclaimed on 11 November 1993.

Habitat: Bunbury Conservation Reserve comprises mainly white sand dune and watercourses. Eight plant communities were recorded from the Reserve:

  • Pink gum (Eucalyptus fasciculosa) open woodland restricted to small areas of red loam soils adjacent to the water courses.
  • Yellow mallee (E. incrassata)  open mallee forming extensive areas of lower sand dunes and shallower sand.
  • Desert banksia (Banksia ornata) shrubland/sand stringbark (E. arenacea)  low open woodland forming the major plant community of the sandy rises of the reserve, occurring on deeper sand dunes. In some areas sand stringboard became the dominant species of this plant community with a continuous canopy cover forming a low open woodland.
  • Sand-heath yacca (Xanthorrhoea caespitosa) shrubland in areas of semideveloped agricultural land on deep sand, regenerating to native vegetation. This community was characterised by low native species diversity and density.
  • Swamp paper-bark (Melaleuca halmaturorum) tall shrubland forming the major plant community of the watercourses in the reserve.
  • Short-leaf honey-myrtle (M. brevifolia) shrubland on the shallower areas of the watercourse.
  • Round-leaf wilsonia (Wilsonia rotundifolia)  herbland occurring in the open areas of the watercourse that hold water for longer periods.
  • Samphire low shrubland.

More information: DEWNR

Total Species Recorded to Date: 54 (non-passerines 21, passerines 33)

Common Species: Superb Fairywren, New Holland Honeyeater, Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, Inland Thornbill, Australian Golden Whistler, Silvereye

Less Common Species: Weebill, Spotted Pardalote, Scarlet Robin, White-browed Woodswallow, Magpielark

Updated: 9/01/2022

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