Desert Camp Conservation Reserve 270km SE from Adelaide CBD Where is it?: The Desert Camp Conservation Reserve lies c. 17 kilometres north west of Padthaway, on the eastern side of the Riddoch Highway. Owner: Department for Environment and Water Property summary: Total area 882 hectares – Hundred of Marcollat, Section 55. Landscape Management Region: Limestone Coast History: The area was proclaimed on 11 November 1993. Habitat: The reserve is the largest block of remnant vegetation in the Hundred of Marcollat. It accounts for over half of the remaining native vegetation in blocks greater than 25 hectares in that Hundred. Eight distinct vegetation associations can be identified within the reserve: Brown stringybark (Eucalyptus baxteri) Low Woodland Pink gum (E. fasciculosa) Woodland over a Mixed Heath Pink gum (E. fasciculosa) Low Woodland over a desert banksia (Banksia ornata) / heath yacca (Xanthorrhoea caespitosa) / heath tea-tree(Leptospermum myrsinoides) Open South Australian blue gum (E. leucoxylon) Woodland Dwarf hakea (Hakea rugosa) / dwarf sheok (Allocasuarina pusilla) / honey myrtle (Melaleuca brevifolia) Coastal white mallee (E. diversifolia) Open Scrub Broombush (M. uncinata) / silver broombush (Baeckea behrii) Open Heath Mixed Herbland More information: DEW Total Species Recorded to Date: 93 (non-passerines 37, passerines 56) Common Species: Peaceful Dove, Galah, Australian Magpie, Superb Fairywren, New Holland Honeyeater, Red Wattlebird Less Common Species: Buff-rumped Thornbill, Southern Emuwren, Grey Butcherbird, White-winged Triller, Eastern Yellow Robin Updated: 24/07/2021 Download the bird list