Goolwa Barrage

Where is it?: The Goolwa Barrage is c. 4.5km SE of Goolwa off the Barrage Road. 

Owner: Murray Darling Basin Authority, Department of the Environment, Water and Natural Resources

Property summary: Total area c. 30 hectares. Hundred of Nangkita – Part Allotment A1 (Deposited Plan 57239), Section 404

Natural Resources Management Region: Natural Resources South Australian Murray-Darling Basin

History: Construction of the Goolwa Barrage began in 1934 and was finally completed in 1936. 

Habitat: Most of the area is open water. Above the barrage it is freshwater and below is saltwater. Along the edges of the Goolwa Channel Common Reed (Phragmites australis) can be found along with areas of samphire (Sarcoconia sp). Around the buildings and workshops Norfolk Island Pine (Araucaria heterophylla) have been planted. 

More information: Murray Darling Basin Authority

Total Species Recorded to Date: 112 (non-passerines 80, passerines 32)

Common Species: Black Swan, Grey Teal, Eurasian Coot, Whiskered Tern, Singing Honeyeater, Magpielark, *Common Starling  

Less Common Species: Freckled Duck, Hardhead, Musk Duck, Latham’s Snipe, Brush Bronzewing, Sacred Kingfisher

Updated: 24/07/2021

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