Gum Lagoon Conservation Park 261km SE from Adelaide CBD Where is it?: This park is c. 40km SW of Keith in the Upper South-East. Owner: Department of the Environment, Water and Natural Resources. Landscape Management Region: Limestone Coast History: The core of Gum Lagoon Conservation Park (2,700 hectares) was originally proclaimed as Gum Lagoon National Park in August 1970 and constituted as Gum Lagoon Conservation Park on proclamation of the National Parks and Wildlife Act in 1972. Habitat: The park contains grasslands, herblands, heathlands, woodlands and scrub with varying floristic components. There are a considerable number of habitats within the park including: Eucalyptus diversifolia Mallee: Large areas occur in the south-western area with smaller areas over limestone. Myriophyllum sp. and Ruppia sp. Heathland: Found in frequently inundated areas such as the Naen Naen Swamp. Shiny swamp-mat (Selliera radicals) Herbland: Large areas can be found between the river red gum woodlands in the south west corner. River red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) Woodlands: Impressive stands of E. camaldulensis can be found in the Duck Island Area and parts of the Gum Lagoon wetlands – Naen Naen Swamp and the south west corner. Sand stringybark (Eucalyptus arenacea) open woodland / coastal mallee (Eucalyptus diversifolia) Mallee: Large areas occur in the south-western area with smaller areas over limestone. South Australian blue gum (Eucalyptus leucoxylon) / Wimmera mallee box (E. wimmerensis) / (Melaleuca lanceolata) drylands tea-tree Low Woodland: There are areas within the Blacket Scrub. Swamp paper-bark (M. halmaturorum) Tall Shrubland: Occurs in the wet areas. Short-leaf honey-myrtle (M. brevifolia) Low Shrubland: Also occurs in the wet areas. Desert banksia (Banksia ornata) Shrubland: In sandy areas. Total Species Recorded to Date: 133 (non-passerines 68, passerines 65); Blacket Scrub – 62 (non-passerines 38, passerines 24) Common Species: Malleefowl, Superb Fairywren, New Holland Honeyeater, Red Wattlebird, Brown Hornbill, White-browed Woodswallow, Grey Shrikethrush, Grey Fantail Less Common Species: Swamp Harrier, White-necked Heron, Spotted Nightjar, Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, Slender-billed Thornbill, Red-browed Finch Updated: 25/07/2021 Download the bird list