Hope Valley Reservoir Reserve

Where is it?: Hope Valley Reservoir Reserve is c. 14km NE of Adelaide. It is bounded by Lyons Road, Awoonga Road, Grand Junction Road and the Torrens Linear Park.

Owner: SA Water.

Access and Parking: Off Awoonga Road and Lyons Road.

Property summary: Total area c. 110 hectares. 

Landscapes Management Region: Green Adelaide.

History3Tenders for the construction of the Hope Valley Reservoir were called in March 18691. A contract for the construction was award to G. & R.E. Fry (Fry Brothers) in May 18692. Completed in 1873, it was the second reservoir built in the Adelaide metropolitan area and is the oldest reservoir still in use in South Australia. 

This new reserve is expected to open to the public later this summer.

Habitat:  The habitat around the reservoir has changed dramatically over the past 150 years. There have been plantings of Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis) and Maritime Pine (P. pinaster). Native trees such as Southern Cypress Pine (Callitris gracilis), River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) and South Australian Blue Gum (E. leucoxylon) are also present in addition to planted Sugar Gum (E. cladocalyx). Much of the understory consists of introduced grasses e.g. Bearded Oat (Avena barbata), Annual Veldt Grass (Ehrhardta longiflora), and Perennial Veldt Grass (Ehrhardta calycina), annuals and perennials.

More information: Reservoirs SA

Total Species Recorded to Date: 66 (non-passerines 39, passerines 27)

Common Species: *Common Blackbird, New Holland Honeyeater, White-plumed Honeyeater, Welcome Swallow, Willie Wagtail

Less Common Species: Eurasian Coot, Musk Duck, Silver Gull, Hardhead, Australian Magpie

 1 Government of South Australia. (1869) Adelaide and Port Adelaide Extensions Waterworks-Hope Valley Reservoir. The South Australian Government Gazette. 13: 359. (11 March 1869)

 2 Government of South Australia. (1869). Engineer-In-Chief’s-Department. Construction of New Reservoir, Hope Valley. The South Australian Government Gazette. 22: 627. (6 May 1869)

 3 The Water Supply of Adelaide. The Hope Valley Reservoir-1868. The South Australian Register XXXIII (7006): 2. (23 April 1869).

Updated: 20/01/20202

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