Kinchina Conservation Park

Where is it?: Kinchina Conservation Park is about 4km W of Murray Bridge in the Narrinyeri Hills. Parking is available along Maurice Road and the Old Princess Highway. Parking is available over the Adelaide-Melbourne railway line at Rocky Gully, off Tower Road and also along Maurice Road.

Owner: Department for Environment and Water

Kinchina Conservation Park Property summary: Total area 414 hectares. Section 489 and Allotments 1 and 16 (Filed Plan 15648), 2 (Filed Plan 14028), 21 and 22 (Deposited Plan 12046), 55 (Filed Plan 41832), 100 and 105 (Deposited Plan 77623)  and 329 (Filed Plan 167144) Hundred of Mobilong1.

Landscape Management Region: Murraylands and Riverland

History: Kinchina Conservation Park was proclaimed on 22 September 20162.

Habitat: The park has the largest area of native vegetation in the Monarto Crown Lands region.Kinchina Conservation Park

More information: NPWSSA  Lavender Federation Trail

Total Species Recorded to Date: 109 (non-passerines 41, passerines 68)

Common Species: Nankeen Kestrel, Australian Pipit, Brown Songlark

Less Common Species: Australian Bustard, White-fronted Chat, Spotted Harrier

  1 Protected Areas Information System Property Summary Report. 15 March 2019. Department for Environment and Heritage, Adelaide, South Australia.

  2 National Parks and Wildlife (Kinchina Conservation Park) Proclamation 2016. The South Australian Government Gazette. Government of South Australia. (22 September 2016). 56: 3828.

Updated: 26/01/2021

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