Martin Washpool Conservation Park

Where is it?: Martin Washpool Conservation Park is immediately south of Salt Creek Road and east of the Princess Highway at Salt Creek between Meningie and Kingston, SE.

Owner: Department for Environment and Water.

Property summary: Total area 2,851 hectares. Hundred of Messent – Sections 14, 27 and 28; Hundred of Santo – Sections 19, 54 and 81, Allotment 21, Pieces 23-25 (Deposited Plan 63882) 1.

Landscape Management Region: Limestone Coast

History: Sections 14 and 19 were proclaimed as a National Park on 27 November 1969 2. These sections were re-proclaimed on 27 April 1972 as Martin Washpool Conservation Park 3. Section 81 was added on 23 May 1985 4 and Sections 27, 28, 54 and Pieces 23-25 added on 23 June 2005 5.

Habitat:  Habitats within the park include:

  • Low Woodland with Pink Gum (Eucalyptus fasciculosa) overstorey and Sand-heath Yacca (Xanthorrhoea caespitosa), Coastal Wattle (Acacia longifolia var. sophorae), Silver Banksia (Banksia marginata).
  • Low Woodland with Pink Gum and South Australian Blue Gum (E. leucoxylon).
  • Sedgeland  with Thatching Grass (Gahnia filum) and Creeping Brookweed (Samolus repens).
  • Tall Shrubland with South Australian Swamp Paperbark (Melaleuca halmaturorum ssp. halmaturorum).
  • Open Mallee with Coastal White Mallee (Eucalyptus diversifolia).

Tilley Swamp Drain enters the park at the southern end before flowing into the Morella Basin.

Total Species Recorded to Date: 143 (non-passerines 74, passerines 69)

Common Species: Superb Fairywren, Grey Fantail, New Holland Honeyeater,

Less Common Species:  Crested Bellbird, Painted Buttonquail, Musk Duck, Pink-eared Duck, Hooded Robin

 1 Department for Environment and Water (2019). Protected Areas Information System Property Summary Report (15 March 2019).  Adelaide, South Australia.

 2 Government of South Australia (1969). National Parks Act 1966: Hundreds of Messent and SantoNational Park Declared The South Australian Government Gazette. 48: 1780. (27 November 1969)

 3 National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 as amended 3 October 2019 (SA)

 4 Government of South Australia (1969). National Parks and Wildlife Act, 1972: Section 29—Hundred of Santo—Alteration of Martin Washpool Conservation Park. The South Australian Government Gazette. 37: 1690. (23 May 1985)

 5 Government of South Australia (2005). National Parks and Wildlife (Martin Washpool Conservation Park) Proclamation 2005. The South Australian Government Gazette. 61: 1904. (23 June 2005)

Updated: 22/12/2019