Martin Washpool Conservation Park 220km SE from Adelaide CBD Where is it?: Martin Washpool Conservation Park is immediately south of Salt Creek Road and east of the Princess Highway at Salt Creek between Meningie and Kingston, SE. Owner: Department for Environment and Water. Property summary: Total area 2,851 hectares. Hundred of Messent – Sections 14, 27 and 28; Hundred of Santo – Sections 19, 54 and 81, Allotment 21, Pieces 23-25 (Deposited Plan 63882) 1. Landscape Management Region: Limestone Coast History: Sections 14 and 19 were proclaimed as a National Park on 27 November 1969 2. These sections were re-proclaimed on 27 April 1972 as Martin Washpool Conservation Park 3. Section 81 was added on 23 May 1985 4 and Sections 27, 28, 54 and Pieces 23-25 added on 23 June 2005 5. Habitat: Habitats within the park include: Low Woodland with Pink Gum (Eucalyptus fasciculosa) overstorey and Sand-heath Yacca (Xanthorrhoea caespitosa), Coastal Wattle (Acacia longifolia var. sophorae), Silver Banksia (Banksia marginata). Low Woodland with Pink Gum and South Australian Blue Gum (E. leucoxylon). Sedgeland with Thatching Grass (Gahnia filum) and Creeping Brookweed (Samolus repens). Tall Shrubland with South Australian Swamp Paperbark (Melaleuca halmaturorum ssp. halmaturorum). Open Mallee with Coastal White Mallee (Eucalyptus diversifolia). Tilley Swamp Drain enters the park at the southern end before flowing into the Morella Basin. Total Species Recorded to Date: 143 (non-passerines 74, passerines 69) Common Species: Superb Fairywren, Grey Fantail, New Holland Honeyeater, Less Common Species: Crested Bellbird, Painted Buttonquail, Musk Duck, Pink-eared Duck, Hooded Robin References: 1 Department for Environment and Water (2019). Protected Areas Information System Property Summary Report (15 March 2019). Adelaide, South Australia. 2 Government of South Australia (1969). National Parks Act 1966: Hundreds of Messent and Santo—National Park Declared The South Australian Government Gazette. 48: 1780. (27 November 1969) 3 National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 as amended 3 October 2019 (SA) 4 Government of South Australia (1969). National Parks and Wildlife Act, 1972: Section 29—Hundred of Santo—Alteration of Martin Washpool Conservation Park. The South Australian Government Gazette. 37: 1690. (23 May 1985) 5 Government of South Australia (2005). National Parks and Wildlife (Martin Washpool Conservation Park) Proclamation 2005. The South Australian Government Gazette. 61: 1904. (23 June 2005) Updated: 22/12/2019