Mount George Conservation Park

Where is it?: Mount George Conservation Park is north of the South-eastern Freeway between Stirling and Bridgewater. It is partly bounded by Old Carey Gully Road and Mount George Road.

Owner: Department for Environment and Water.

Property summary: Total area 85 hectares. Hundred of Adelaide – Sections 517, 518 and 533; Allotments 5-8 (Filed Plan 13068), Allotment 52 (Deposited Plan 36802), Allotment 54 (Deposited Plan 59212), Allotment 101 (Filed Plan 19429), Pieces 152-1563 Allotment 101 (Deposited Plan 61230).

Landscape Management Region: Hills and Fleurieu

History: Mount George Conservation Park was proclaimed on 7 November 1996. An additional 18 hectares was added on 16 October 2003.

Habitat: The predominant native vegetation association is messmate stringybark (Eucalyptus obliqua) open forest, which occurs on mid to upper slopes throughout the park. On the upper slopes and ridges messmate stringybark and brown stringybark (E. baxteri) open forest occurs and mountain gum (E. dalrympleana ssp. dalrympleana) open forest and rough barked manna gum / manna gum (E. viminalis ssp. cygnetensis / E. viminalis ssp. viminalis) open woodlands are found in the wetter gullies and lower slopes of the park. The understory vegetation generally consists of a sparse to mildly-dense shrub layer over a dense groundcover of sedges, grasses, herbs and ferns.

Total Species Recorded to Date: 45 (non-passerines 19, passerines 26)

Common Species: Adelaide Rosella, White-throated Treecreeper, Superb Fairywren, Crescent Honeyeater, White-browed Scrubwren, Brown Thornbill, Striated Thornbill, Grey Fantail, Silvereye

Less Common Species: Eastern Rosella, Southern Boobook, Buff-rumped Thornbill, Willie Wagtail, Bassian Thrush

Updated: 26/07/2021