Muloowurtie Conservation Reserve

Where is it?: Muloowurtie Conservation Reserve is 4km WNW of Pine Point, Yorke Peninsula at the junction of Pine Point Road and the Yorke Highway.

Property summary: Total area 30 hectares. Hundred of Muloowurtie – Section 2021.

Owner: Crown Land managed by the District Council of Yorke Peninsula.

Landscape Management Region: Northern and Yorke

History: Playfair (1994) recommended that “Convert this Section into a reserve under Council or National Parks and Wildlife Service control, or protect it through a Heritage Agreement”2.

On 7 March 1996 this Crown Land was proclaimed as a Conservation Reserve under the care, control and management of the District Council of Central Yorke Peninsula 3.

Muloowurtie Conservation ReserveHabitat: The vegetation of Muloowurtie Conservation Reserve is mostly Open Mallee dominated by Green-leaf Mallee (Eucalyptus phenax),  (E. leptophylla) and Gilja (E. brachycalyx) over Mallee Honey-myrtle (Melaleuca acuminata) and Broombush (Melaleuca uncinata). Understorey plants include Pink Velvet-bush (Lasiopetalum behrii), Resin Wattle (Acacia rhetinocarpa), a nationally threatened species 3.

More information: SA Veg. on the Edge

Total Species Recorded to Date: 48 (non-passerines 18, passerines 28)

Common Species: Brown Currawong, Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, Australian Magpie, Grey Shrikethrush, Yellow-rumped Thornbill

Less Common Species: White-browed BabblerBlack-shouldered Kite, Spotted Pardalote, Willie Wagtail, Dusky Woodswallow

 1 Community Land Register. Schedule 1 – Reserves. (2011?). Yorke Peninsula Council. [Maitland, South Australia]. 

 2 Playfair, R. (1994). 12. Crown Scrub. Central Yorke Peninsula Conservation Areas Study. [Adelaide, South Australia]. pp. 56, 58. 

 3 Crown Lands Act, 1929: Section 5. The South Australian Government Gazette. Government of South Australia. 35: 1469. (7 March 1996) 

Updated: 26/07/2021