Paiwalla Wetland, Pompoota

Where is it?: Paiwalla Wetland is situated on the River Murray 15 km north of Murray Bridge. The area is private property and entry is strictly by permission only. For access please complete the online form.

Owner: Paiwalla Pty Ltd. and managed by Wetland Habitats (Paiwalla) Assoc. Inc.

Property summary: Total area c. 106 hectares. Hundred of Burdett – Sections 34, 731 and 733.

Landscape Management Region: Murraylands and Riverland

History: Prior to 1967 the Paiwalla Swamp of 116 hectaresadjoined the Sunnyside Swamp of 34 hectares giving 150 hectares of continuous wetland. In 1967 just over 60 hectares were reclaimed for dairy-farming and other agricultural activities. By 1996 farming had ceased. In 1998 the water licence was sold and the Wetland Habitats Trust was formed with the aim of restoring the reclaimed area to temporary wetlands.

Habitat: There are  large River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) on the eastern side of the wetland below the cliffs. Considerable plantings have been carried out. Wetland plants include Common Reed (Phragmites australis), Broadleaf Cumbungi (Typha orientalis) and Lake Clubrush (Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani).

More information: Paiwalla

Total Species Recorded to Date: 183 (non-passerines 122, passerines 61)

Common Species: Eurasian Coot, Australasian Grebe, Australian White Ibis, Australian Pelican, Grey Teal, Australian Reed Warbler

Less Common Species: Pallid Cuckoo, Cattle Egret, Cape Barren Goose, Double-banded Plover, Common Sandpiper, Yellow Thornbill

Updated: 29/07/2021


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