Scott Conservation Park

Where is it?: Scott Conservation Park is on Gould Road c. 7.5 km NW of Currency Creek.

Owner: Department for Environment and Water.

Property summary: Total area 210 hectares. Hundred of Goolwa – Sections 218 and 3471

Landscape Management Region: Hills and Fleurieu

History: This park was first proclaimed on 30 March 1969 as Scott National Park2 and re-proclaimed as Scott Conservation Park on 27 April 19723.

Habitat: They include:

  • Low Woodland – Brown Stringybark (Eucalyptus baxteri), Cup Gum (E. cosmophylla) and Peppermint Box (E. odorata) over Heath Tea-tree (Leptospermum myrsinoides) and Tate’s Grass-tree (Xanthorrhoea semiplana ssp. tateana).
  • Mallee – Pink Gum (E. fasciculosa), Peppermint Box (E. odorata)

Total Species Recorded to Date: 148 (non-passerines 73, passerines 75)

Common Species: Common Bronzewing, Superb Fairywren, New Holland Honeyeater, White-throated Treecreeper, Red Wattlebird, Grey Shrikethrush

Less Common Species:  Cockatiel, Restless Flycatcher, Tawny-crowned Honeyeater, Hooded Robin, Eastern Rosella, Eastern Shriketit

1 Department for Environment and Water. (2019). Protected Areas Information System. Property Summary Report. 30 March 2019. pp. 14-15.  

2 South Australian Government (1969). National Parks Act, 1966: Hundred of Goolwa—Scott National Park South Australian Government Gazette 12: 863 (30 March 1969). 

 3 National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 as amended 19 March 2021. (SA) sch 4 p. 3. 

Updated: 29/07/2021