Warriparinga Wetlands, Sturt 12km SE from Adelaide CBD Where is it?: Warriparinga Wetlands are along the Sturt River at the corner of Marion and Sturt Roads, Sturt (commonly known as Laffer’s Triangle). Owner: City of Marion Property summary: Total area 3.5 hectares. Hundred of Noarlunga – Allotments 152, 708 and 801. Landscape Management Region: Green Adelaide History: When travelling between the hills and the coast, Kaurna people met at here and camped along the Sturt River because it was a wonderful source of food and provided resources for tools, weapons, clothing and shelter. It was also a meeting place for celebration and ritual. Warriparinga, meaning “windy river place”, was derived from a number of Kaurna names. Warriparinga is home to the Living Kaurna Cultural Centre, which interprets Kaurna culture and heritage. Farmland was purchased by the State Government in the 1960s and the flood plains were reclaimed for housing. After severe flooding in 1963, it was decided to concrete-line the river, so between 1968 and 1972 the Sturt Drain was constructed. Planning for the construction of a wetland on the land began in 1996, with funding provided by the Patawalonga Catchment Water Management Board, City of Marion and the State Government. It was completed in 1998. 1 Habitat: The original vegetation along Sturt Creek was River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis). Since the wetlands were created more than 8000 native trees and shrubs have been planted at Warriparinga. Species include River Red Gum, Silky Tea-tree (Leptospermum lanigerum) and Golden Wattle (Acacia pycnantha). More information: City of Marion, FOW Total Species Recorded to Date: 59 (non-passerines 37, passerines 22) Common Species: Eurasian Coot, Maned Duck, Pacific Black Duck x *Mallard, Rainbow Lorikeet, Noisy Miner, Dusky Moorhen, Crested Pigeon, Red Wattlebird, Less Common Species: Little Black Cormorant, Little Pied Cormorant, Little Grassbird, Red-rumped Parrot, Willie Wagtail, Australian Reed Warbler References: 1 Warriparinga Wetlands. NRM Education. Updated: 29/07/2021 Download the bird list