White Dam Conservation Park

Where is it?: White Dam Conservation Park is located on the Morgan – Burra road, 8 kilometres north west of Morgan.

Owner: Department for Environment and Water.
Property summary:Galah,Total area 891 hectares. Hundred of Maude – Section 252, Hundred of Lindley – Sections 197, 199, 201 and 202

Landscape Management Region: Murraylands and Riverland

History: The park was first dedicated on 17 July 1969, and originally formed part of a stock route. On 17 September 1970 it was proclaimed as White National Parks Reserve and re-proclaimed on 27 April 1972 as White Dam Conservation Park.

Habitat: The landscape is flat to gently undulating, with much of the park comprising low open woodland of Black Oak (Allocasuarina cristata) with an understorey dominated by Bluebush (Maireana sedifolia). Other understorey species present include spear grass (Austrostipa sp.), Emubush (Eremophila sp.), Bullock Bush (Alectryon oleifolium), False Sandalwood (Myoporum platycarpum), Quondong (Santalum acuminatum), and Nitrebush (Nitraria billardierei).

More information: DEWNR

Total Species Recorded to Date: 91 (non-passerines 37, passerines 54)

Common Species: Galah, Black-backed Fairywren, Chestnut-rumped Thornbill, Southern Whiteface, Redthroat, Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, Red-capped Robin

Less Common Species: Stubble Quail, White-winged Fairywren, White-fronted Honeyeater, Apostlebird, White-browed Babbler, Gilbert’s Whistler

Updated: 28/07/2021


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