Wittunga Botanic Garden

Where is it?: The gardens are between Shepherds Hill Road, Blackwood / Eden Hills and the Adelaide – Melbourne / Adelaide – Belair railway line. Public transport is available by train (Adelaide – Belair). Alight at Coromandel Valley and walk about 450 metres. Access is also available on Bus Route G30 (Adelaide – Blackwood Interchange) or Route 600 (Alight at Stop 30B on Shepherds Hill Road.

Owner: Department for Environment and Water.

Property summary: Total area 13 hectares. Hundred of Adelaide – Section 560.

Landscape Management Region: Green Adelaide

History: Wittunga was established as a private home by English-born estate agent and naturalist Edwin Ashby (1861-1941) in 1902, and was based on a formal English design. The property originally had extensive apple and pear orchards along with cattle, sheep and pigs. Wittunga was bequeathed to the Botanic Gardens of South Australia by Edwin’s son, Keith, in 1965 and was opened to the public as a botanic garden in 1975.

Habitat: The South Australian Blue Gum (Eucalyptus leucoxylon) and Grey Box (Eucalyptus microcarpa) are naturally occurring in the Blackwood area and some in the Garden are remnants of the original flora before Wittunga was established. The gardens have been extensively planted with Australian and South African plants in particular a collection of Proteaceae.

More information: DEWNR

Total Species Recorded to Date: 72 (non-passerines 42, passerines 30)

Common Species: Crested Pigeon, Eastern Rosella, Rainbow Lorikeet, Noisy Miner, Australian Magpie, Welcome Swallow

Less Common Species: Hardhead, Australasian Grebe, Australian White Ibis, Black-tailed Nativehen

Updated: 29/07/2021


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