South Australian Ornithologist, Volume 42 Posted on 01/02/2017 Share with Index to Volume 42 Volume 42, Part 1, December 2016 Contents The ‘new and singular bird’ of St Peter Island Andrew Black, Jean Fornasiero, Justin Jansen and Philippa Horton. pp. 1-10. Investigating laterality in the freely occurring behaviours of Budgerigars Michael R. Duggan, Daniel P. Buckley and Matthew J. Anderson. pp. 11-19. Bird Note Listing Australia’s birds Andrew Black and Philippa Horton. pp. 20-22. Bird Note Great Egret preying on an Australian Reed Warbler Penny Paton. pp. 23-24. Bird Note A second observation of an Australian Magpie feeding on pine seeds Penny Paton. p. 25. Bird Note The Slender-billed Thornbill, Acanthiza iredalei, in the lower north-east of South Australia Graham Carpenter. pp. 26-28. Book Review Pigeons and doves in Australia Graham Carpenter. pp. 29-30. Obituary: Francis John (Frank) Badman Andrew Black and Philippa Horton. pp. 31-35. Volume 42, Part 2, February 2018 Contents The pre-European distribution of the Galah, Eolophus roseicapilla Vieillot: reconciling scientific, historical and ethno-linguistic evidence Andrew Black, John McEntee, Peter Sutton and Gavan Breen pp. 37-57. Notable number of House Sparrows, Passer domesticus, at a roost in natural habitat near Marree in the western Lake Eyre basin Michael Lenz pp. 58-64. Foraging behaviour suggestive of breeding Australian Little Bittern, Ixobrychus dubius, at Tolderol Game Reserve, January 2017 Colin Rogers and Peter Koch pp. 65-70. Bird Note. The observation and photographic documentation of an Australasian Bittern catching and consuming a small mammal</strong John Gitsham pp. 71-74. Bird Note. Records of large numbers of Hutton’s Shearwater, Puffinus huttoni, and Fluttering Shearwater, Puffinus gavia, off the SE of South Australia Colin Rogers pp. 75-77. Bird Note. Vegetation offering by a Fan-tailed Cuckoo Robert Green pp. 78-79. Bird Note. Hitchhikers, 1980s style Kate Buckley p. 79. Book Review. The Australian Bird Guide Peter Beer pp. 80-81. Peter Beer Book Review. Australasian Eagles and Eagle-like Birds Merilyn Browne pp. 82-83