Rocks Reserve, Balaklava

Where is it?: The Rocks Reserve is located along the River Wakefield, 12km of Balaklava off Woods Road.

Owner: Crown land managed by the Wakefield Regional Council. Rocks Reserve

Property summary: Total area 13 hectares. Hundred of Dalkey – Section 587, Hundred of Hall – Section 7041.

History: The area, locally known as “The Rocks” is a picturesque section of the River Wakefield at the point it leaves the hills and spreads out with cliffs on its northern side. Visitors from both the Owen and Balaklava Districts have used the area continuously since at least the 1870s2.

Landscape SA Management Region: Northern and Yorke

Rocks ReserveHabitat: Along the river there are scattered River Red Gum (E. camaldulensis) with isolated patches of reeds along the margins.Rocks Reserve

Total Species Recorded to Date: 59 (non-passerines 33, passerines 26)

Common Species: Australian Magpie, Adelaide Rosella, Grey Shrikethrush, Brown Treecreeper, Willie Wagtail

Less Common Species:  Peaceful Dove, White-faced Heron, Striated Pardalote, Rufous Songlark

1 Maloney Field Services (2017). Wakefield Regional Council. Community Land Asset Register. pp. 5, 9. 

2 Dallwitz, J. and Marsden, S. (1983) Heritage Survey of the Lower North. (Region 8 – South Australia). Heritage Conservation Branch of the Department for Environment and Heritage, Adelaide. (Item Ref. No. 17)

Updated: 2/06/2021

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