Ferguson Conservation Park

Where is it?: Ferguson Conservation Park at Stonyfell in the eastern foothills of Adelaide is bounded by Hallett Road, Stonyfell Road and Marble Terrace. Car parking is available along Hallett Road and Marble Terrace.The park is also accessible by public transport – Bus Route 141 (City to Stonyfell – Stop 17). 

Ferguson Conservation ParkOwner: Department for Environment and Water

Property summary: Total area 8 hectares – Hundred of Adelaide, Section 687 (originally Part Section 289). 7

Landscape Management Region: Green Adelaide

History:  A total of 162 hectares including Section 289 was originally purchased by Robert Cock and William Ferguson on 7 March 1839. In 1947 Miss Alice Effie Ferguson purchased the property from the estate of her late uncle, Alexander Melrose. On 22 June 1949 the area was presented to the Government of South Australia by the late Miss A.E. Ferguson, on condition that it would be preserved as a public park. Miss Ferguson added a codicil to her will by which she bequeathed the property to the Minister of the Crown under the National Pleasure Resorts Act 1914-1935.  Ferguson National Pleasure resort was administered by the South Australian Government Tourist Bureau from 1949 to 1971.. 2, 6

On 27 April 1972 the land was designated Ferguson Recreation Park under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 3. On 24 June 1976 it was re-classified as Ferguson Conservation Park 4. This was subsequently found to be invalid and the land, now Section 687 was dedicated as Ferguson Conservation Park on 2 June 1977 5.

Habitat: The vegetation of the park is dominated by South Australian Blue Gum (Eucalyptus leucoxylon) open forest/woodland with scattered large River Red Gum (E. camaldulensis) along Stonyfell Creek.

Numerous small trees, notably Native Pine (Callitris preissii), Drooping She-oak (Allocasuarina stricta) and Golden Wattle (Acacia pycnantha) form a variable second strata below the eucalypts. In the central area of the park Native Pine is the dominant tree. 2, 6Ferguson Park vegetation

More information. DEW

Total Species Recorded to Date: 78 (non-passerines 44, passerines 34)

Common Species: Eastern Rosella, Crested Pigeon, Noisy Miner, Australian Magpie

Less Common Species: Brown Falcon, Laughing Kookaburra, Purple-crowned Lorikeet, Red Wattlebird

1 Baker, A. ‘National Pleasure Resorts in the Vicinity of Adelaide’. in Cotton, B.C. (editor). 1953. National Parks and Reserves. An Account of the National Park and Reserves situated near Adelaide, South Australia. Commissioners of the National Parks. Adelaide. South Australia. p. 153.

 2 Ferguson Conservation Park Management Plan 1984. Department of Environment and Planning, Adelaide, South Australia.

 3 National Parks and Wildlife Act (No 56 of 1972). The South Australian Government Gazette. Government of South Australia. 27 April 1972. 703. 

 4 National Parks and Wildlife Act, 1972: Ferguson Recreation Park Abolished and Ferguson Conservation Park Constituted. The South Australian Government Gazette. Government of South Australia. 24 June 1976. 27: 3168. 

 5 National Parks and Wildlife Act, 1972: Conservation Park Constituted. The South Australian Government Gazette. Government of South Australia.2 June 1977. 24: 1580.

6 Preiss, K.A. 1980. Ferguson Conservation Park. The South Australian Naturalist 54(4): 52-76.

 7 Protected Areas Information System Property Summary Report. 15 March 2019. Department for Environment and Heritage, Adelaide, South Australia.

Updated: 24/07/2021

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