Bimbowrie Conservation Park

Where is it?: Bimbowrie H.S. is c. 32km NW of Olary.

Owner: Department of the Environment, Water and Natural Resources

Property summary: Total area 71,824 hectares. Out of Hundreds (Curnamona) and Out of Hundreds (Olary) – Allotment 1  

Landscape Management Region: South Australian Arid Lands

History: Bimbowrie Conservation Park was first proclaimed on 18 February 2010. A number of historic buildings can be found in the park including the Cobb & Co staging post, Antro Woolshed and Kitchen, and Old Boolcoomatta Station.

Habitat: There is a number of different habitats within the Park including –

  • Bladder Saltbush (Atriplex vesicaria) or Black Bluebush (Maireana pyramidataLow Open Shrubland 
  • Mulga (Acacia aneura) Very Low Shrubland 
  • Needle Wattle (Acacia carneorum) or Slender Hopbush (Dodonaea viscosa ssp. angustissimaOpen Shrubland
  • Red Mallee (Eucalyptus socialis) or Mallee Box (E. porosa) Mallee
  • Elegant Wattle (Acacia victoriae ssp. victoriae) Tall Very Open Shrubland
  • Black Oak (Casuarina pauper) Low Open Forest
  • Northern Cypress Pine (Callitris glaucophyllaLow Open Woodland
  • River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis var. camaldulensis) Open Forest
  • Oblique-spined Bassia (Sclerolaena obliquicuspisLow Sparse Shrubland

More information: DEWNR PIRSA

Total Species Recorded to Date: 115 (non-passerines 54, passerines 61)

Common Species: Emu, Wedge-tailed Eagle, White-winged Fairwren, Rufous Fieldwren, Singing Honeyeater, Redthroat, Chirruping Wedgebill, Australian Raven

Less Common Species: Stubble Quail, Peregrine Falcon, Black-tailed Nativehen, White-fronted Honeyeater, Crimson Chat, Rufous Songlark

XUpdated: 9/01/2022

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