Black Rock Conservation Park 291km N from Adelaide CBD Where is it?: Black Rock Conservation Park is 21km ENE of Ororroo. Owner: Department for Environment and Water. Property summary: Total area 169 hectares. Hundred of Erskine – Sections 76 and 2981. Landscape Management Region: Northern and Yorke History: Section 76 was proclaimed as Black Rock Conservation Park on 9 September 19722. Section 298 was added on 7 June 19793 Habitat: Tbe dominant vegetation is Low Woodland with Black Oak (Casuarina pauper) and Sugarwood (Myoporum platycarpum) with areas of Red Mallee (Eucalyptus socialis) over Bitter Saltbush (Atriplex stipitata), Bladder Saltbush (A. vesicaria) and Bluebush (Maireana sedifolia)4. Total Species Recorded to Date: 71 (non-passerines 20, passerines 51) Common Species: Galah, Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, Australian Magpie, Red-capped Robin, Chestnut-rumped Thornbill Less Common Species: Apostlebird, Cockatiel, White-fronted Honeyeater, Hooded Robin, White-browed Treecreeper References 1 Department for Environment and Water. (2019). Protected Areas Information System. Property Summary Report. 30 March 2019. p. 50. 2 Government of South Australia (1969). National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972: Hundred of Erskine—Black Rock Conservation Park Constituted. The South Australian Government Gazette 54: 2253. (9 November 1972). 3 Government of South Australia (1969). National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972-1978: Hundred of Erskine—Alteration of Boundaries of Black Rock Conservation Park. The South Australian Government Gazette 27: 1675. (7 June 1979). 4 Australian Government (1980). Australian Heritage Database. Black Rocks Conservation Park, Oakdowns Rd, Orroroo, SA, Australia. Updated: 27/06/2021