Calpatanna Waterhole Conservation Park

Where is it?: Calpatanna Waterhole Conservation Park is approximately 25 kilometres south-east of Streaky Bay at the corner of Calca and Baird Bay Roads.

Calpatanna Conservation ParkOwner: Department for Environment and Water

Property summary: Total area 3644 hectares. Hundred of Wrenfordsley – Sections 121, 122, 128, 129, 144, 179, 180, 189, 248 and 2491.

Landscape Management Region: Eyre Peninsula

History: Calpatanna Waterhole Conservation Park was proclaimed on 14 February 19742. Sections 248 and 249 were added on 11 July 19853.

Habitat: There is a 500 hectare claypan lagoon in the south-western quadrant of Calpatanna Waterhole Conservation Park and a complex of smaller lakes along the remainder of the western side. In this area a narrow zone of samphire low shrubland is found. A complex system of low-lying but rarely inundated flats extends from the western salt lakes to the eastern boundary covering approximately 26 per cent of the park’s area. These flats support an open-scrub dominated by Swamp Paper-bar (Melaleuca halmaturorum). Much of the park is dominated by mallee open-scrub with White Mallee (Eucalyptus dumosa), Yorrell (E. gracilis), Kingscote Mallee (E. rugosa) and Yalata Mallee (E. yalatensis). There are also areas of introduced grassland as a result from clearing and grazing of native vegetation before the dedication of the park 4.

Calpatanna Conservation ParkMore information: NPWSSA

Total Species Recorded to Date: 83 (non-passerines 33, passerines 50)

Common Species: Grey Butcherbird, Nankeen Kestrel, Galah, Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, Crested Pigeon, Yellow-rumped Thornbill, Willie Wagtail

Less Common Species: White-winged Chough, Ground Cuckooshrike, Restless Flycatcher, White-faced Heron, Purple-gaped Honeyeater, Australian Owlet-nightjar

 1 Protected Areas Information System Property Summary Report (15 March 2019). Department for Environment and Water, Adelaide, South Australia. 

 2 National Parks and Wildlife Act, 1972: Hundred Of Wrenfordsley—Calpatanna Waterhole Conservation Park Constituted. The South Australian Government Gazette. Government of South Australia. 11: 475. (14 February 1974) 

 3 National Parks and Wildlife Act, 1972: Sections 248 and 249: Hundred of Wrenfordsley: Alteration of Boundaries of Calpatanna Waterhole Conservation Park. The South Australian Government Gazette. Government of South Australia. 50: 92. (11 July 1985). 

 4 Calpatanna Waterhole Conservation Park. Management Plan. 1997. Department of Environment and Planning, Adelaide, South Australia. 

Updated: 12/01/2022

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