Clinton Conservation Park 112km NW from Adelaide CBD Where is it?: Clinton Conservation Park runs from Port Clinton around the head of Gulf St Vincent to south of Port Wakefield. Owner: Department for Environment and Water Property summary: Total area 2072 hectares. Hundred of Clinton – Sections 568, 586-589, 622, 623, 631, 632, 652, Allotment 102 (Deposited Plan 91763), Closed Road D; Hundred of Goyder – Section 652; Hundred of Inkerman – Sections 282, 293, 294, 441 and 446 and Allotment 313 (Deposited Plan 45552)8 Landscape Management Region: Northern and Yorke History: Section 568 was proclaimed as Clinton National Park on 10 September 1970.1 This was re-proclaimed as Clinton Conservation Park on 27 April 1972.2 Sections 586-589 were added on 14 October 1976.3 Section 446 was added 28 July 1983.4 Sections 622 and 623 were added on 9 March 1989.5 Sections 282, 293, 294, 441, 570, 582, 631 and 632, Allotments 102 and 313, and Closed Road D were added on 23 June 2016.6 Habitat: There are a number of distinct plant communities with the park.7 Mangrove woodland – Grey Mangrove (Avicennia marina ssp. marina). Low (Samphire) shrubland – Shrubby Samphire (Sclerostegia arbuscula) and various other samphires (Sarcocornia spp). Low shrubland – Marsh Saltbush (Atriplex paludosa), Salt Bluebush (Maireana oppositifolia) and Nitre-bush (Nitraria billardierii). Open scrub – Marsh Saltbush, Salt Bluebush and Nitre-bush in addition to Common Boobialla (Myoporum insulare), Coast Daisy-bush (Olearia axillaris) and Sea Box (Alyxia buxifolia). Low woodland – Dryland Tea-tree (Melaleuca lanceolata ssp. lanceolata) and Native Apricot (Pittosporum angustifolium). Low scrubland – Bitter Saltbush (Atriplex stipitata) and Short-leaf Bluebush (Maireana brevifolia). Open scrub – Yorrell (Eucalyptus gracilis) At low tide extensive areas of mudflats are exposed outside of the park. More information: DEW Total Species Recorded to Date: 155 (non-passerines 105, passerines 50). Specific sites: Port Arthur is adjacent to the Yorke Highway c. 9km NNE of Clinton. Car parking is available at this site. Total Species Recorded to Date: 92 (non-passerines 63, passerines 29). Bird list Common Species: Grey Teal, White-faced Heron, Far Eastern Curlew, Common Greenshank, Crested Pigeon, Singing Honeyeater, White-browned Scrubwren Less Common Species: Great Crested Grebe, Blue-winged Parrot, Nankeen Night Heron, Sacred Kingfisher, White-winged Fairywren, Horsfield’s Bushlark Additional Bird list: Clinton_CP_Port_Arthur_Bird_list References: 1 National Parks Act, 1966: Hundred of Clinton — National Park Declared. Government of South Australia. The South Australian Government Gazette. 40: 1103. (21 March) 2 National Parks and Wildlife Act (No 56 of 1972). The South Australian Government Gazette. Government of South Australia: 701. (27 April 1972). 3 National Parks and Wildlife Act, 1972¬ 1974: Hundred of Clinton—Clinton Conservation Park—Alteration of Boundaries. Government of South Australia. The South Australian Government Gazette. 45: 1268. (14 October) 4 National Parks and Wildlife Act, 1972, Section 30 (2): Clinton Conservation Park—Alteration of Boundaries. Government of South Australia. The South Australian Government Gazette. 19: 672. (28 July 5 National Parks and Wildlife (Clinton Conservation Park) Proclamation 2016 under section 29(3) of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972. Government of South Australia. The South Australian Government Gazette. 38: 2622. (23 June) 6 Neagle, N. (Ed.) (2008). A Biological Survey of the Mid North and Yorke Peninsula, South Australia, 2003-2004: Assessment of Biodiversity Assets at Risk. South Australia. Department for Environment and Heritage. Adelaide, South Australia. 7 South Australia. Department for Environment and Heritage. (2009). Mainland Conservation Parks of Yorke Peninsula Management Plan. Adelaide, South Australia. 8 South Australia. Department for Environment and Water. Protected Areas Information System. Property Summary Report. 30 March 2019. Adelaide, Australia. Updated: 12/01/2022 Download the bird list