Cooltong Conservation Park 245km ENE from Adelaide CBD Where is it?: Cooltong Conservation Park is north of the Sturt Highway and 8km NE of Berri. Owner: Department Environment and Water. Property summary: Total area 3710 hectares. County Hamley, Out of Hundreds – Allotment 51 (Deposited Plan 36126) Landscape Management Region: Murraylands and Riverland History: Cooltong Conservation Park was proclaimed on 8 April 1983. Habitat: The park is dominated by mallee vegetation, with undulating dunes and shales. Mallee species found in the park include Blue-leaf Mallee (Eucalyptus cyanophylla), White Mallee (E. dumosa), Narrow-leaf Red Mallee (E. leptophylla) and Red Mallee (E. oleosa). More information: DEWNR Total Species Recorded to Date: 109 (non-passerines 43, passerines 66) Common Species: Malleefowl, Mulga Parrot, Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, Purple-backed Fairywren (Variegated Fairywren), Southern Whiteface, Weebill, Grey Butcherbird, Chestnut Quailthrush Less Common Species: Spotted Nightjar, Black-eared Cuckoo, Black-backed Fairywren (Splendid Fairywren), Striated Grasswren, Redthroat, White-backed Swallow Updated: 24/07/2021