Hallett Cove Conservation Park 25km SW from Adelaide CBD Where is it?: Hallett Cove Conservation Park including Sandison Reserve is on the eastern shore of Gulf St Vincent at Hallett Cove. Access and Parking: Public access is available from Hallett Cove Beach Station on the Adelaide-Seaford rail line. The park is c. 500m from the station via South Avenue off The Cove Road. There are four main entrances to the park – the eastern entrance off Dutchman Drive, southern entrance off Heron Way and two northern entrances off South Avenue and Second Avenue. Car parks can be found along Heron Way and at the end of Second Avenue, Hallett Cove. Landscape Management Region: Green Adelaide Owner: Department for Environment and Water Property summary: Total area 51 hectares – Hundred of Noarlunga, Section 1550, 1577, Allotments 1-2 (Deposited Plan 2387) and 20-21 (Filed Plan 28675). History: Section 1550 was proclaimed as Hallett Cove Conservation Park on 1 July 1976. Allotments 20-21 were added on 23 December 1992 and Section 1577 and Allotments 1-2 on 16 October 2014. Sandison Reserve on the western side of the park was bequested to the National Trust of South Australia by the beneficiaries of George Sandison in 1960. This reserve is managed by DEW in conjunction with NTSA. Habitat: This park is one of Australia’s most outstanding geological and archaeological sites. The vegetation of the park is characterised by coastal heath – Sea Box (Alyxia buxifolia), Pale Turpentine Bush (Beyeria lechanaultii), Stiff Westringia (Westringia rigida), Mallee Pomaderris (Pomaderris paniculosa), Eutaxia (Eutaxia microphylla) and Coast Umbrella-bush (Acacia cupularis). In the protected gullies there is low scrubland with Dryland Teatree (Melaleuca lanceolata), Native Apricot (Pittosporum angustifolium), Common Boobialla (Myoporum insulare) and Slaty Sheoak (Allocasuarina muelleriana). The vegetation has been highly modified since the early 1920s. This is primarily due to agricultural practices and the construction of shacks formerly situated along the foreshore. Revegetation programs have been undertaken. More information. NPWSSA FofHC Total Species Recorded to Date: 75 (non-passerines 47, passerines 28) Common Species: Nankeen Kestrel, Crescent Pigeon, Red Wattlebird, Singing Honeyeater, Australian Magpie Less Common Species: Eastern Osprey, Australian Hobby, Rock Parrot, White-fronted Chat, Spotted Pardalote References: Hallett Cove and Marino Conservation Parks (including Sandison Reserve) Management Plan 2010. Department for Environment and Heritage, Adelaide, South Australia. (Accessed: 19 September 2019) National Parks and Wildlife Act, 1972-1974: Hallett Cove Conservation Park Constituted. The South Australian Government Gazette. 28: 7. (Accessed: 19 September 2019) National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 Section 30(2): Hallett Cove Conservation Alteration of Boundaries. The South Australian Government Gazette (23 December 1992). 131: 2260. (Accessed: 19 September 2019) National Parks and Wildlife (Hallett Cove Conservation Park) Proclamation 2014. The South Australian Government Gazette (16 October 2014). 78: 6124. (Accessed: 20 September 2019) Protected Areas Information System Property Summary Report. 15 March 2019. Department for Environment and Heritage, Adelaide, South Australia. (Accessed: 20 September 2019) Updated: 25/07/2021 Download the bird list