Happy Valley Reservoir

Where is it?: Happy Valley Reservoir is bounded by Main South Road, Black Road, Happy Valley Drive and Chandlers Hill Road. Parking is available off Chandlers Hills Road opposite the roundabout at the junction of Kenihans Road.

Property summary: Total area c. 1275 hectares. Hundred of Noarlunga – Sections 430, 466, 475, 574, 2102, SPS494 (H105500); Allotments 4 (Filed Plan 5826), 7 (Filed Plan 45907), 82 (Filed Plan 219346), 83 (Filed Plan 219437), 86 (Filed Plan 219350), 91 (Filed Plan 216182), Allotments 91, 92 (Filed Plan 209648), 92 (Filed Plan 205438) , 93 (Filed Plan 216328), 94 (Filed Plan 205331), 94 (Filed Plan 216185), 95 (Filed Plan 216330), 96 (Filed Plan 216216), 98 (Filed Plan 216147), 100 (Filed Plan 216252), 101 (Filed Plan 216192), 105 (Filed Plan 216196), 108 (Filed Plan 216229), 113 (Filed Plan 216204), 113 (Filed Plan 216204), 117 (Filed Plan 216301), 121 (Filed Plan 216305), 252 (Filed Plan 205438), 253 (Filed Plan 205439), Pieces 119, 120 (Filed Plan 214945), Pieces 202, 205 (Deposited Plan 91117), Close Road Marked B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, K (Road Plan 394)

History: The Happy Valley Water Scheme was originally proposed by the Engineer-in-Chief, and recommended for acceptance to the Government by the Barossa Commission in their report of 1889. It was reported on by Mr. Oswald Brown, and also recommended by him for acceptance in his report of May, 18911. Work started on the scheme in March 18922. The formal opening took place on 7 August 18963.

Happy Valley Reservoir was officially opened to the public on 11 December 20214.

Habitat: There are extensive areas of either Grey Box (Eucalyptus microcarpa) woodland or River Red Gum (E. camaldulensis>) woodland over introduced grasses and herbs.

Landscape Management Region: Green Adelaide

Total Species Recorded to Date: 164 (non-passerines 88, passerines 76)

Common Species: Common Bronzewing, New Holland Honeyeater, Rainbow Lorikeet, Australian Magpie, Crested Pigeon

Less Common Species: White-winged Chough, Blue-billed Duck, Little Grassbird, Australian Hobby, Australian Owlet-nightjar

More information: Reservoirs SASA WaterWalking SA

 1 Happy Valley Water Scheme. The Adelaide Observer. XLVIII (II) (2,613): 6. (31 October 1891).  

 2 The Happy Valley Reservoir. Some Facts and Figures. The South Australian Register. LVIII (14,185): 6. (30 April 1892).  

 3 Happy Valley Waterworks. A Splendid Achievement. History of the Works. Illustrated Supplement to The South Australian Register. LXI (15,518): 1. (7 August 1896).  

 4 Dav id Spiers. Media Release.  

Updated: 19/07/2022

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