Messent Conservation Park 225km SE from Adelaide CBD Where is it?: Messent Conservation Park is c.16km NE of Salt Creek in the Upper South East. Owner: Department for Environment and Water. Property summary: Total area 11,583 hectares. Hundred of Messent – Sections 1 and 10; Hundred of Colebatch – Sections 1 and 65 1. Landscape Management Region: Limestone Coast History: Section 1, Hundred of Messent was proclaimed as Messent Wild-Life Reserve on 9 January 1964 1. With the addition of Section 1, Hundred of Colebatch on 27 April 1972 it was renamed Messent Conservation Park 2 and Section 65, Hundred of Colebatch and Section 10, Hundred of Messent were added on 6 December 1979 3. Habitat: There are number of varied habitats within the park. Low Woodland with Pink Gum (Eucalyptus fasiculosa), Sallow Wattle (Acacia longifolia var sophorae) and Common Boobialla (Myoporum insulare). Understorey plants include Bracken (Pteridium esculentum), Creeping Boobialla (M. parvifolium) and Paper-flower (Thomasia petalocalyx) Tall Open Shrubland with Ridge-fruited Mallee (E. incrassata), Narrow-leaved Red Mallee (E. leptophylla) and Sand Stringybark (E. arenacea). Understorey plants are (Hakea repullans) and Honeypots (Acrotriche serrulata) Tall Open Shrubland with Coastal White Mallee (E. diversifolia) and Narrow-leaved Red Mallee. Understorey plants include Striped Hakea (Hakea vittata), Flax-leaved logania (Logania linifolia) and Myrtle Wattle (A. myrtifolia var myrtifolia) Shrubland with Mallee Honey-myrtle (Melaleuca brevifolia) Closed Sedgeland with Black Rapier-sedge (Lepidosperma carphoides), Variable Sword-sedge (L. laterale) and (L. brownii) / Hare Sedge (Tetraria capillaris) and Bare Twig-rush (Baumea juncea) 4. Total Species Recorded to Date: 48 (non-passerines 18, passerines 28) Common Species: Superb Fairywren, Galah, New Holland Honeyeater, Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, Australian Magpie, Silvereye, Red Wattlebird Less Common Species: Restless Flycatcher, Brown Goshawk, Spotted Nightjar, Hooded Robin, Brown Thornbill References: > 1 Department for Environment and Water (2019). Protected Areas Information System Property Summary Report (15 March 2019). Adelaide, South Australia. p. 84. 2 Government of South Australia (1964) Crown Lands Act, 1929-1960: Hundred of Messent—Wild-Life Reserve Dedicated. The South Australian Government Gazette. 2: 37. (9 January 1964) 3 Government of South Australia (1972). National Parks and Wildlife Act (No 56 of 1972). The South Australian Government Gazette. 703. (27 April 1972) 4 Owens, H.M., Robinson, A.C., and Lang, P.J. (1995). A Biological Survey of Messent Conservation Park South Australia in December 1994. Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Adelaide, South Australia. Updated: 29/07/2021 Download the bird list