Monarto Conservation Park

Where is it?: This small park on Ferries-McDonald Road is 6km S of Monarto South.

Owner: Department for Environment and Water.

Property summary: Total area 240 hectares. Hundred of Monarto – Section 496.

Landscape Management Region: Murraylands and Riverland

History: Prior to proclamation on 15 September 1983 as Monarto Conservation Park the area was known as Braendler’s Scrub.

Habitat: The park comprises remnant mallee woodland mostly yellow mallee (Eucalyptus incrassata), dry heathland, slender cypress pine (Callitris gracilis) and broom bush (Melaleuca uncinata).

Total Species Recorded to Date: 108 (non-passerines 43, passerines 65)

Common Species: Red-rumped Parrot, Mallee Ringneck, Purple-crowned Lorikeet, Willie Wagtail, Grey Fantail, Southern Scrub Robin, White-browed Babbler, Silvereye

Less Common Species: Painted Buttonquail, Mulga Parrot, Rufous Whistler, Crested Bellbird, Restless Flycatcher

Updated: 25/07/2021


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