Murray Mouth 96km SE from Adelaide CBD Where is it?: The Murray Mouth is about 13km SE of Goolwa. There is a car park and lookout opposite the Murray Mouth on Hindmarsh Island. The area takes in the SE tip of the Sir Richard Peninsula, NW tip of the Younghusband Peninsula (Coorong National Park) and Sugar’s Beach (Coorong National Park) and all the waters within (Coorong National Park). Owner: Department for Environment and Water / Crown Land. Property summary: Total area c. 150 hectares. Hundred of Nangkita – Part Allotments 1 and 6 (Deposited Plan 57239) and Part Section 404; Hundred of Barker – Part Section 590 Landscape Management Region: Hills and Fleurieu, Murraylands and Riverland History: Section 590 was added to the Coorong National Park on 11 December 1975 and Allotments 1 and 6 were added on 23 August 2001. Habitat: The area is mostly open water with large areas of tidal flats at low tide. The land areas have typical coastal dune vegetation with Coastal Daisy (Olearia axillaris). Total Species Recorded to Date: 108 (non-passerines 83, passerines 25) Common Species: Black Swan, Grey Teal, Whiskered Tern, Bar-tailed Godwit, Australian White Ibis, Rock Parrot, Welcome Swallow Less Common Species: Cape Barren Goose, Australian Shelduck, Musk Duck, Far Eastern Curlew, Terek Sandpiper, Straw-necked Ibis Updated: 26/07/2021 Download the bird list