Myponga Reservoir Reserve 60km SSW from Adelaide CBD Where is it?: Myponga Reservoir Reserve is on the SE shores of the Myponga Reservoir, off Main South Road and adjacent to the town of Myponga about 60km S of Adelaide. Owner: SA Water. Access and Parking: Access to the reserve is off Hansen Street, Myponga where there is a car park. Property summary: Total area c. 110 hectares. Section 712, Allotments 1 (Deposited Plan 12526), 4 (Deposited Plan 13056), 219 (Deposited Plan 164938), 220 (Deposited Plan 164939), 222 (Deposited Plan 164941), 223 (Deposited Plan 164942), 226 (Deposited Plan 164945), part Allotments 217 (Deposited Plan 164936) and 218 (Deposited Plan 164937), part Piece 19 (Deposited Plan 34101) Landscapes Management Region: Hills and Fleurieu. History: Myponga Reservoir Reserve opened to the public on 16 April 20191. Myponga was the first reservoir reserve to open under the government’s plan to allow recreational activities at reservoirs across South Australia. More information: Reservoirs SA, WalkingSA Total Species Recorded to Date: 95 (non-passerines 54, passerines 42) Common Species: Eurasian Coot, Great Cormorant, Hoary-headed Grebe, Grey Teal, Australasian Shelduck, Australian Reed Warbler Less Common Species: Little Black Cormorant, Musk Duck, White-faced Heron, Australian Pelican, Black Swan References: 1 Department for Environment and Water. (2019). Environment SA News. Myponga Reservoir Reserve opens. (16 April 2019). Updated: 14/10/2021 Download the bird list