Porter Lagoon

Where is it?: Porter Lagoon is 23km SW of Burra off the Barrier Highway

Owner: Privately owned

Property summary: Total area c. 36 hectares. Hundred of Hanson – Sections 27, 28, 458, Part Section 26, Part Allotment 1 and Pieces 3 and 4 (Filed Plan 10758), Part Piece 12 (Deposited Plan 96239)

Landscape Management Region: Northern and Yorke

History: In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, it was a popular alternate “seaside” attraction, with visitors coming from across the district. It was a popular venue for aquatic sports when the water level was high enough, had both a boat club and a tennis club, and was also a popular hunting ground when wild fowl were in season. The boat club had tenure of the lagoon in the late 1920s but was wound up in June 1947.  In 1931 salt was being harvested from the lagoon.

Habitat: The lagoon is shallow and saline. Surrounding the lagoon is samphire Low Shrubland with Black-seed Samphire (Halosarcia pergranulata) and Beaded Samphire (Sarcocornia quinqueflora). There is a group of planted Sugar Gum (Eucalyptus cladocalyx ) at the northern end of the lagoon.

Total Species Recorded to Date: 55 (non-passerines 37, passerines 18)

Common Species: Australian Shelduck, Galah, Australian Magpie, Willie Wagtail, Magpielark

Less Common Species: Pink-eared Duck, Chestnut Teal, Hardhead, Australian Pratincole, White-fronted Chat

Updated: 27/07/2021


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