The Bluff Reserve, Encounter Bay 90km S from Adelaide CBD Where is it?: The Bluff Reserve, Encounter Bay is c. 7km W of Victor Harbor. The reserve is also known as the Rosetta Head (The Bluff) Reserve, Longkuwar. Owner: Crown Land managed by the City of Victor Harbor. Property summary: Total area 38 hectares. Hundred of Waitpinga – Section 393 and Allotment 1000 (Deposited Plan 52394)1. Landscape SA Management Region: Hills and Fleurieu<./a> History: On 25 May 1927 Section 1 (now Allotment 1000)2 and on 15 September 1938 Sections 294 and 300 were dedicated as reserve for recreation and pleasure resort purposes, under the care, control, and management of the District Council of Encounter Bay3. On 1 September 1983 Sections 1, 293, 294 and 300 were included on the State Heritage Register as The Bluff Historic Site4. Habitat: The majority of the site Closed Shrubland with Kangaroo Thorn (Acacia paradoxa) over Twiggy Daisy-bush (Olearia ramulosa), Flat-topped Cassinia (Cassinia adunca) and Clasping Goodenia (Goodenia amplexans) More info: WalkingSA Total Species Recorded to Date: 66 (non-passerines 28, passerines 38). Common Species: New Holland Honeyeater, Nankeen Kestrel, Australian Magpie, Crested Pigeon, Red Wattlebird, Willie Wagtail Less Common Species: Superb Fairywren, Grey Fantail, Spur-winged Plover, White-browed Scrubwren, Western Whistler References 1 City of Victor Harbor (2020). Community Land Register. p. 74. 2 Government of South Australia (1927). Reserve for Recreation and Pleasure Resort Purposes. The South Australian Government Gazette p. 334. (2 June 1927) 3 Government of South Australia (1938). Recreation and Pleasure Resort. The South Australian Government Gazette p. 771-772. (22 September 1938) 4 Government of South Australia (1938). South Australian Heritage Act, 1978. The South Australian Government Gazette p. 334. (1 September 1983) Updated: 29/07/2021 Download the bird list