The Dutchmans Stern Conservation Park

Where is it?: The Dutchmans Stern Conservation Park is 5km north-west of Quorn. Access and parking in the park is via Dutchmans Stern Road in the north east off the Arden Vale Road.

Owner: Department for Environment and Water.

Property summary: Total area 3695 hectares. Hundred of Crozier – Part Sections 89 and 92, Section 126, Hundred of Pichi Richi – Sections 553, 554, 628, 629, 654, 655, 659, and 663

Landscape Management Region: South Australian Arid Lands

History: Sections 126, 553, 554, 628, 629, 654, 655, 659, and 663 were first proclaimed as The Dutchmans Stern Conservation Park on 17 September 1987. Hundred of Pichi Richi  – Allotment 12 (Deposited Plan 37443) and Hundred of Crozier – Allotment 1 (Deposited Plan 30576) and Allotment 5 (Deposited Plan 35053) were added on 16 November 1995.

Habitat: There are a number of different habitats within the park.

  • River Red Gums (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) are a feature of creek lines in association with an array of other shrubs, grasses, and herbs.
  • Open woodlands of Drooping Sheoak (Allocasuarina verticillata).
  • Vegetation on low hills and slopes is often grassland dominated by porcupine grass (Triodia irritans) with Mt Lofty Grass Tree (Xanthorrhoea quadrangulata), small herbaceous species and other native grasses.
  • Low shrubland of Curry Bush (Cassinia laevis), Quorn Wattle (Acacia quornensis) and Christmas Bush (Bursaria spinosa) share these slopes.
  • Low woodland of Peppennint Box (Eucalyptus odorata) and Mallee Box (E. porosa) grades into low open woodlands of Drooping Sheoak and woodland/open forest of South Australian Blue Gum (E. leucoxylon).
  • Low open shrubland of Flinders Ranges Bottlebrush (Callistemon teretifolius), Mt Lofty Grass Tree, Inland Spyridium (Spyridium phlebophyllum) and Sticky Hop Bush (Dodonaea viscosa) also occurs on exposed sites of high slopes and ridges.  
  • Higher slopes and ridges on the eastern side of the reserve are often dominated by open forest of Sugar Gum (E. cladocalyx) of with an understory of mainly Mt Lofty Grass Tree and Curry Bush (Cassinia laevis). 

More information: DEWNR

Total Species Recorded to Date: 89 (non-passerines 34, passerines 55)

Common Species: Wedge-tailed Eagle, Laughing Kookaburra, Flinders Adelaide Rosella, Purple-backed Fairywren, Striated Pasrdalote, Weebill, White-browed Babbler

Less Common Species: Southern Boobook, Elegant Parrot, White-winged Triller, Gilbert’s Whistler, Southern Scrub Robin, Brown Songlark

Updated: 28/07/2021