South Australian Ornithologist, Volume 14

1937V14P1Volume XIV, Part 1. January 1, 1937
Mallee Whipbird, Psophodes nigroguloris (leucogaster?), and other mallee birds J. Neil McGilp and F.E. Parsons pp. 3-13.

Notes from the Althorpe Islands C.E. Perryman pp. 14-19.

A Giant Petrel, Macronectes giganteus, at the Murray Mouth Dr. A.S. Randell p. 19.

Ground Cuckoo-Shrike, Pteropodocys maxima D.W. Brummitt p. 20.

Mannum Notes, from 12th to 16th May, 1936 Warren B. Hitchcock and R.F. Brown pp. 20-23.

A trip to Mannum and other notes R.F. Brown pp. 24-27.

Nesting of Black-shouldered Kite, Elanus axillaris, and description of young H.T. Condon pp. 28-29.

The birds of the Langhorne’s Creek district T. Brandon pp. 29-32.

1937V14P2Volume XIV, Part 2. April 1, 1937
The breeding of the White-faced Storm Petrel (Pelagodroma marina) on South Australian islands Frederic Wood Jones pp. 35-41, Plates I-IV.

Bird observations at Morgan D.W. Brummitt pp. 41-44

A few notes from the South-East for the summer 1936-1937 D.W. Brummitt pp. 45-46

Nests of the Brown Weebill (Smicrornis brevirostris) D.W. Brummitt p. 47

Notes on a sea-trip from 16th to 22nd December, 1936 C.E. Perryman p. 48

Further notes on the birds of the Wilmington district T. Brandon pp. 49-51

Bird observations in the vicinity of Adelaide Howard Jarman pp. 51-53

White-winged Trillers (Lalage tricolor) C.A. Smith p. 53

Cereopsis novae-hollandiae, Cape Barren Goose [J.E. Pearce; H.M. Hale; C. Pearce] p. 54

Bird notes
H.H. Howard p. 54.

Dr. A.S. Randell pp. 54-55.

Silver Gulls Larus novae-hollandiae [H.M. Hale; J. Conroy] p. 54

White-backed Magpies (Gymnorhina hypoleuca) kill a Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) [A. Ratcliffe] p. 55

Reed Warbler (Acrocephalus australis) [L.E. Roake] p. 55

Spotless Crake (Porzana plumbea) [Norman Birks] p. 55

Harold Wade p. 56.

1937V14P3Volume XIV, Part 3. July 1, 1937
Nesting activities in the eastern portion of Kangaroo Island. Season 1936-7 Allen F.C. Lashmar pp. 59-64.

Nesting on some of the islands in the Coorong Warren B. Hitchcock pp. 64-66.

An ornithological “gem”! J. Sutton pp. 66-67.

The White-winged Chough (Corcorax melanorhamphus E.S. Paterson pp. 67-68.

Bird notes
D.W. Brummitt p. 68.

N. Hiles Pearse pp. 69-70.

T. Brandon p. 70.

Samuel Sanders pp. 70-71.

Alfred Crompton p. 71.

Dr. A.S. Randell p. 71.

Professor J.B. Cleland p. 71.

R.C. Beck pp. 71-72.

A Brown Snake (Demansia textilis) in an aviary [F.C. Couzens] p. 72.

Cuckoos – 1937 notes [H.T. Condon; H. Wade; J. Sutton; Master L. Rowe; F.E. Parsons] pp. 72-73.

Petroica phoenicea, Flame Robin [L.E. Roake; J. Sutton; Professor J.B. Cleland] p. 73.

Cereopsis novae-hollandiae, Cape Barren Goose [H.T. Condon; Miss A.G. Mann] p. 73.

Some additions to the South Australian Museum collection J. Sutton pp. 74-78, Plates V-VI.

The Lore of the Lyrebird, by Ambrose Pratt p. 78.

1937V14P4Volume XIV, Part 4. October 1, 1937
Southern movements of northern birds J. Neil McGilp pp. 83-86.

In the fast dwindling mallee C.E. Rix pp. 86-91.

Ornithological observations in the Sutherlands and Mount Mary districts, S.A. E.F. Boehm pp. 91-96.

A trip to Lake Salmon, S.A. Walter Cain pp. 96-99.

Winter visitors – 1937. Petroica phoenicia Flame Robin. (Additional records to those on page 73 of Part 3) [C.E. Perryman; Oscar Symon; Professor J.B. Cleland; J. Sutton] p. 100.

Spring visitors. Cuckoos – 1937 Notes – additional to those on pages 72-73 [Dr. A. Chenery; J. Sutton; Oscar Symon; Alfred Crompton; S.E. Terrill; H.H. Finlayson; H.T. Condon; Dr. H.J. May; Allen F.C. Lashmar] pp. 100-101.

Other spring visitors – 1937 [T. Brandon; H.T. Condon; J. Sutton; P. Johnson; R. Britten Jones; F.E. Parsons] pp. 101-102.

Bird notes
Birds noted in a garden on Montefiore Hill, adjacent to the Parklands, North Adelaide
H.H. Finlayson pp. 102-103.

Allen F.C. Lashmar p. 103.

T. Brandon pp. 103-104.

Cladorhynchus leucocephalus, Banded Stilt pp. 104.

Macronectes giganteus, Giant Petrel p. 104.

R.E. Britten-Jones p. 105.

H.T. Condon p. 105.

R.F. Brown pp. 105-106.

Howard Jarman p. 106.

Warren Hitchcock p. 106.

Some additions to the South Australian Museum collection, etc. J. Sutton pp. 106-112.

1938V14P5Volume 14, Part 5. January 1, 1938

Birds noted in the north Flinders Ranges in May, 1937 J.B. Cleland pp. 115-117.

Nesting of the Wedge-tailed Eagle (Uroaetus audax) in 1937, etc. T. Brandon pp. 115-121.

A Cocker Spaniel attacks a Giant Petrel (Macronectes giganteus) [Mrs. A. Marie Bampton] p. 121.

A Little Falcon (Falco longipennis) kills a bat Hilton J. Kay p. 122.

The nesting of the Welcome Swallow (Hirundo neoxena) Valerie Woodroffe p. 123.

Breeding of the Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater (Acanthagenys rufogularis) S. Harvey pp. 123-124.

Unusual nests J. Neil McGilp pp. 124-125.

Notes on birds seen between Alice Springs and the Granites in August, 1936. J.B. Cleland pp. 126-128.

Birds seen at the Happy Valley reservoir C. Pearce p. 129.

Orroroo notes James T. Gray pp. 129-132.

Bird note
S.E. Terrill pp. 132-133.

Rev. P.P. Darke pp. 133.

A day’s outing to Carriewerloo Station T. Brandon pp. 133-136.

Spring visitors, 1937. Cuckoos, etc. (see pages 72, 73, 100/2 [J. Sutton; James T. Gray; C.E. Rix; H.T. Condon; T. Brandon] pp. 136-138.

1938V14P6Volume 14, Part 6. April 1, 1938

Notes on some birds seen on Flinders and other islands off the Eyre Peninsula coasts,

February-March, 1937 H.H. Finlayson pp. 141-146.

Some birds of the South and central Australian borderH.T. Condon pp. 146-151.

Late nesting notes, etc.W.B. Hitchcock pp. 151-153. Notes on the hawks observed in the upper north of South Australia during 1937 T. Brandon pp. 153-160, Plate VII.

Locality records E.F. Boehm pp. 160-163.

Birds of the Florieton district N. Hiles Pearse pp. 163-165.

A trip to eastern Kangarooo Island C.E. Rix pp. 165-169.

A feeding habit of the Silver Gull, Larus novae-hollandiae Oscar Symon pp. 169-170.

Silver Gulls feeding on native currants Norman B. Tindale p. 171.

Dusky Wood-swallows Artamus cyanopterus [George McEwen; Dr. Schneider] pp. 171-172.

Spotted Nightjar Eurostopodus guttatus [G.R. Holme] p. 172, Plate VIII.

Fork-tailed (White-rumped) Swifts Micropus pacificus [C.E. Rix; S. Sanders] pp. 172-173.

Spine-tailed Swifts (Hirundapus caudacutus) H.H. Howard pp. 173-174.

Willie Wagtail (Rhipidura leucophrys) eating fish [J. Rau] p. 174.

Bird notes
Dr. A.S. Randell p. 175.

F.E. Parsons p. 175.

C.E. Rix p. 175.

F.E. Parsons p. 175.

J. Sutton pp. 175-177.

Food of birds p. 177.

A.M. Lea pp. 177-178.

1938V14P7Volume 14, Part 7. July 1, 1938

Notes on birds seen in the eastern portion of Kangaroo Island Allen F.C. Lashmar pp. 183-185.

Holiday notes on north-western swamps Walter Cain pp. 185-187.

The birds of Reevesby Island, Sir Joseph Banks Group H.T. Condon pp. 187-192.

Mr. H. C. D. Collyer’s account of a migration of the Short-tailed Shearwater (Mutton-Bird) (Puffinus tenuirostris) pp. 192-193.

Birds observed about Berri, River Murray, S.A. T. Brandon pp. 193-195.

Micropus pacificus, Fork-tailed Swift T. Brandon pp. 195-196.

Tringa glareola, Wood-Sandpiper H.T. Condon pp. 196-197.

Notes from Moorook, S.A. Samuel Sanders pp. 198-199.

Bird notes
Worsley C. Johnston p. 199.

Petroica phoenicea, Flame Robin [Frank Macrow; F.E. Parsons; H. Wade; Mrs. R. Lumb; L.E. Roake and J. Sutton; Allen F.C. Lashmar; Dr. Alan Lendon] p. 200.

Cuckoos, 1938 [H.A. Jarman; F.E. Parsons; H. Wade; Oscar Symon; H.T. Condon] pp. 200-201.

Dr. Alan Lendon p. 201.

H.A. Jarman p. 201.

F.E. Parsons p. 201.

J. Beck p. 201.

J. Rau p. 201.

J. Sutton p. 202.

Correspondence [F.C. Berney] pp. 202-204.

“Les Oiseaux de France” by the late Dr. A. Menegau
p. 204.
Wild Nature in Australia, Wonder Animals and Birds. By Charles Barrett, C.M.Z.S. p. 204.

Volume 14, Part 8. October 1, 1938

Birds noted between Adelaide and England via Suez and on the return across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans J.B. Cleland pp. 207-217.

Stomach contents and early parasitic infestation in the Marsh Tern (Chlidonias leucoporeia) D.W. Brummitt p. 218.

Bird notes from Wilmington district D.W. Brummitt pp. 218-221.

A trip from Berri to Mildura T. Brandon pp. 222-223.

Birds noted on a caravan trip from Adelaide to Mildura and back, 15th to 29th April, 1938 L.S. Francis pp. 223-225.

Florieton notes N. Hiles Pearse pp. 225-226.

Outer Harbor notes Alwin Clements p. 227.

Bird notes
R.F. Brown and G.L. Fewsdale pp. 228-229.

R.F. Brown and W.B. Hitchcock p. 229.

G.L. Fewsdale p. 229.

Dr. A.S. Randell p. 229.

C.E. Rix p. 230.

H.T. Condon pp. 230-231.

C. Pearce p. 231.

Professor J.B. Cleland p. 231.

Dr. Alan Lendon p. 231.

Dr. D.W. Brummitt p. 231.

Allen Lashmar p. 231.

Harold Wade p. 232.

Winter visitors, 1938. Petroica phoenicea, Flame Robin continued from page 200, Part 7 [R.F. Brown and W.B. Hitchcock; L.S. Francis; C. Benger] p. 232.

Spring and summer visitors, 1938. Cuckoos, continued from pp. 200-207, Part 7 [T. Brandon; R.F. Brown and W.B. Hitchcock; L.E. Roake; C. Pearce; Edwin Ashby; C.E. Rix; L.S. Francis; H. Wade; H.T. Condon; J. Sutton] p. 232.

Other visitors [H.T. Condon; L.S. Francis; C.E. Rix; Dr. Alan Lendon] p. 234.

Australian Parrots, by Neville W. Cayley.
[a member] pp. 234-235.

Re “Australian Parrots,” by Neville W. Cayley. H.T.C. [H.T. Condon] pp. 235-236.