South Australian Ornithologist, Volume 36 Posted on 01/02/2016 Share with Index to Volume 36. $nbsp; Volume 36, Parts 1 & 2, September 2010 Contents The Powerful Owl, Ninox strenua (Strigidae), in South Australia Brian T. Haywood. pp. 1-8. Procellariiformes observed around Papua New Guinea including the Bismarck Archipelago from 1985 to 2007 Neil Cheshire. pp. 9-24. Southerly observations of the Flock Bronzewing, Phaps histrionica, in South Australia between 2008 and 2010 Reece D. Pedler. pp. 25-32. Bird report 2008 Colin Rogers. pp. 33-45. Bird Notes Observations of Lewin’s Rail at Goolwa Greg Dare. pp. 46-50. Bird reviews An extended review of Speciation in birds Trevor Price reviewed by Jeremy Robertson. pp. 51-58. Australian Bustard Mark Ziembecki reviewed by Graham Carpenter pp. 59-60.