Woakwine Conservation Park

Where is it?: Woakwine Conservation Park is located 8 kilometres east of Robe on the Old Naracoorte Road off the Southern Ports Highway. The park is split by Drain L. 

Owner: Department for Environment and Water.

Property summary: Total area 424 hectares. Hundred of Waterhouse – Allotment 3 and 5 (Deposited Plan 29451).1

Landscape Management Region: Limestone Coast

History: Woakwine Conservation Reserve was dedicated on 11 November 19932. It was was proclaimed as Woakwine Conservation Park on 16 September 2010.3.

Habitat: Two vegetation associations exist with the park:

  • Coastal White Mallee (Eucalyptus diversifolia) Open scrub is the dominant association in the northern and southern sections.
  • South Australian Blue Gum (E. leucoxylon)/Pink Gum (E. fasciculosa) Open woodland in the swales. This is the only occurrence in the Lower South East.

Both associations are over a heath understorey predominantly of Coast Beard-heath (Leucopogon parviflorus) and Myrtle Wattle (A. myrtif0lia), Golden Wattle (A. pycnantha) and Prickly Moses (Acacia verticillata ssp. ovoidea). 

Most areas of the park have been subject to some level of disturbance from previous occupation and activities. Introduced weed species such as Cape Tulip (Homeria sp.), Horehound (Marrubium vulgare), and False Caper (Euphorbia terracina) also occur4.

More information: NPWSSA

Total Species Recorded to Date: 91 (non-passerines 43, passerines 48)

Common Species: Superb Fairywren, Australian Magpie, White-browed Scrubwren, Brown Thornbill, Red Wattlebird

Less Common Species: Beautiful Firetail, New Holland Honeyeater, Grey Shrikethrush, Eastern Spinebill

 1 Department for Environment and Water. (2019). Protected Areas Information System. Property Summary Report. 30 March 2019. p. 88.  

 2 Government of South Australia. Crown Lands Act, 1929: Section 5. The South Australian Government Gazette. 114: 2439. (11 November 1993). 

 2 Government of South Australia. National Parks and Wildlife (Woakwine Conservation Park) Proclamation 2010. The South Australian Government Gazette. 65: 4873. (16 September 2010). 

 2 Woakwine Conservation Reserve Management Plan. 2000. Department for Environment and Heritage, Adelaide, South Australia. 

Updated: 28/07/2021


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