Myponga Reservoir (MLR, 63km)

FIELD TRIP: Fleurieu Birders EXCURSION TERRAIN DIFFICULTY: Moderate (3km walk) Meet at the Hansen Street car park (main entrance) at 8:30am. TRIP LEADER: Edith St George BIRD LIST: Myponga Reservoir Reserve

Munyaroo Conservation Park Campout (EP)

FIELD TRIP: Port Augusta Bird Group (The Babblers) EXCURSION TERRAIN DIFFICULTY: Moderate Meet at Whyalla Wetlands at 8:30am. No facilities available. For further information contact: Bernie Haase on 0419 863 834 or at TRIP LEADER: Bernie Haase. BIRD LIST: None available

Bushland Park, Lobethal (MLR) 43km

FIELD TRIP: Birds SA EXCURSION TERRAIN DIFFICULTY: Moderate Meet at 8.30am in the Bushland Park carpark about 2km north of Lobethal on the Lobethal to Gumeracha Road. The entrance is on your left. TRIP LEADER: Rose Slade BIRD LIST: Bushland Park, Lobethal

Laratinga Wetlands (New Members Only Guided Birding ), 35 km from Adelaide

NEW MEMBERS OUTING: This event is a short walk for the new members of Birds SA. Limited to 12 people - first 12 to register will be accepted. EXCURSION TERRAIN DIFFICULTY: Easy Meet at the carpark on Bald Hills Road, Mt. Barker at 8.00am. An experienced bird guide will introduce you to wetland  and bush birds. It is a great opportunity for new members to learn about birds and meet other new members. After the walk, we will have morning tea, a bird count and and question time so be...

Cherryville (AP) 23 km

FIELD TRIP: Birds SA EXCURSION TERRAIN DIFFICULTY: Medium Meet at the Cherryville Post Office at 8.30am. We will then walk a short distance together to 8 Church Road, Cherryville. The first hour will be spent with Andrew Skeoch on the property, listening to the morning bird chorus and Andrew will explain his work and passions. Andrew is a leading sound recordist who is well acquainted with bird calls of the bush and so much more. Following this we will complete a bird survey with the property owner, Naomi Forrest. The walk...

Brookfield Conservation Park (MM, 123km)

Field Trip: Birds SA Easy EXCURSION TERRAIN DIFFICULTY: Easy Meet at 8.30am just inside the gate, approximately 35km east of Truro. The entrance is 2km past “8 mile corner” at a gentle left bend on an otherwise straight road. Trip Leader: Ali Ben Kahn Brookfield Conservation Park Bird List

Quorn local area (FR)

FIELD TRIP: Port Augusta Birders (The Babblers) EXCURSION TERRAIN DIFFICULTY: Moderate Meet at 8:00am at Quorn Swimming Pool, Silo Road, Quorn. TRIP LEADER: Bernie Haase BIRD LIST: Not available

Annual General Meeting

Charles Hawker Building (Room 101-102), Waite Institute

SPEAKER:  Andrew Black TITLE: A taxonomic revision of the Australian Magpie - new insights from northern populations. LOCATION: Lecture Room 101/102, Charles Hawker Building, The University of Adelaide - Waite Campus, Urrbrae