Flinders Chase National Park – Cape de Couedic 262KM SW from Adelaide CBD Where is it?: The Cape de Couedic section of Flinders Chase National Park is at the south-west end of Kangaroo Island. The Flinders Chase Visitors Centre and the National Park headquarters are situated at Rocky River. Cape de Couedic Lighthouse, Admiral’s Arch and Remarkable Rocks are in this park. Owner: Department of the Environment, Water and Natural Resources Property summary: Total area 20,063 hectares. Hundred of McDonald – Allotments 5 (Deposited Plan 18009), 8 (Deposited Plan 25953), 51 (Deposited Plan 38340), Pieces 53-55 (Deposited Plan 38340) Landscape Management Region: Kangaroo Island History: In 1892 the first attempt was made to preserve the western end of Kangaroo Island but it was not until 1919 that at “An Act to Establish a Reserve on Kangaroo Island” was made. Flinders Chase under the control of The Flora and Fauna Board of South Australia was set up in this act on 16 October 1919. Flinders Chase National Park was proclaimed on 27 April 1972. Allotment 51 and Pieces 53-55 were created when Section 17, Hundred of McDonald was split up on 15 October 1993 to create the Ravine de Casoars Wilderness Protection Area. Only part of Allotment 51 was included in the original Flinders Chase reserve. Allotments 5 and 8 were added on 10 July 2014. Habitat: There are a number of varied habitats within the park including Very Low Woodland – Cup Gum (Eucalyptus cosmophylla) Low Woodland – Cup Gum (E. ovata) Open Mallee – Coastal White Mallee (E. diversifolia), Drylands Tea-tree (Melaleuca lanceolarta More information: DEWNR (1) DEWNR (2) Total Species Recorded to Date: 140 (non-passerines 93, passerines 47) Common Species: Crimson Rosella, Superb Fairywren, Eastern Spinebill, New Holland Honeyeater, Crescent Honeyeater, Brown Thornbill Less Common Species: Australian Shelduck, Swamp Harrier, Latham’s Snipe, Peregrine Falcon, Restless Flycatcher, Olive-backed Oriole Updated: 24/07/2021 Download the bird list