Greenfields Wetlands – Stage 2, Mawson Lakes

Where is it?: Greenfields Wetlands, Stage 2 are 18km north of Adelaide. 

Owner: City of Salisbury

Property summary: Total area 12 hectares. Hundred of Port Adelaide – Allotment 54 (Deposited Plan 54509)

Landscape Management Region: Green Adelaide

History: These wetlands were constructed by the City of Salisbury in 1993.

Habitat: The area has been planted with typical wetland habitat plants.

More information: City of Salisbury

Total Species Recorded to Date: 72 (non-passerines 51, passerines 21)

Common Species: Eastern Great Egret, Little Black Cormorant, Eurasian Coot, Crested Pigeon, Superb Fairywren, Magpielark

Less Common Species: Royal Spoonbill, Great Cormorant, Swamp Harrier, Black-tailed Nativehen, Black-fronted Dotterel

Updated: 25/07/2021

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