Mulbura Park Reserve

Where is it?: Mulbura Park Reserve is 10km NNW of Port Vincent, Yorke Peninsula along Mulbura Park Road.

Mulbura Park ReserveOwner: National Trust of South Australia

Property summary: Total area 19 hectares. Hundred of Curramulka – Allotment 1 (Filed Plan 1254). Heritage Agreement 499.

Landscape Management Region: Northern and Yorke

History: Mulbura Park Reserve was a gift from Mr Digby Germein in 1975 and has been under National Trust management since 1979. The reserve preserves a small area remnant vegetation on central Yorke Peninsula

Mulbura Park ReserveHabitat: The main habitats within the park are

  • Open Mallee with Mallee Box (Eucalyptus porosa)
  • Very Low Woodland with Drooping Sheoak (Allocasuarina verticillata) and Dryland Tea-tree (Melaleuca lanceolata)

More information: NTSA

Total Species Recorded to Date: 37 (non-passerines 6, passerines 31)

Common Species: Brown-headed Honeyeater, Spiny-cheeked Honeyeater, Singing Honeyeater, Crested Bellbird, Willie Wagtail

Less Common Species: Painted Buttonquail, White-fronted Chat, Purple-backed Fairywren, Hooded Robin, Jacky Winter

Updated: 26/07/2021


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