Mylor Conservation Park 24km SE from Adelaide CBD Where is it?: Mylor Conservation Park is c. 1km NE of Mylor off Whitehead Road. Owner: Department of the Environment, Water and Natural Resources Property summary: Total area hectares. Hundred of Noarlunga – Section 3322 and Allotment 51 Landscape Management Region: Hills and Fleurieu History: This park was proclaimed on 27 February 1997. The Mylor Recreation Centre is in the southern part. Habitat: The park is mostly Open Forest with Candlebark Gum (Eucalyptus dalrympleana ssp. dalrympleana), Brown Stringybark (E. baxteri), Messmate Stringybark (E. obliqua), Cup Gum (E. cosmophylla), Pink Gum (E. fasciculosa) and Manna Gum (E. viminalis). Understory plants include Myrtle Wattle (Acacia myrtifolia), Spiny Wattle (A. spinescens), Narrow-leaf Bitter-pea (Daviesia leptohpylla), Large-leaf Bush-pea (Pultenaea daphnoides) and Silver Banskia (Banskia ornata). More information: NPWSSA Total Species Recorded to Date: 54 (non-passerines 18, passerines 36) Common Species: Adelaide Rosella, White-throated Treecreeper, Superb Fairywren, Grey Fantail, Australian Golden Whistler Less Common Species: Eastern Spinebill, Brown-headed Honeyeater, Scarlet Robin, Rufous Whistler, Red-brown Finch Updated: 26/07/2021 Download the bird list