Ngaut Ngaut Conservation Park 117km E from Adelaide CBD Where is it?: Ngaut Ngaut Conservation Park is on the eastern side of the River Murray about 8km N of Walker Flat. Owner: Department for Environment and Water. Property summary: Total area 49 hectares. Hundred of Nildotttie – Sections 88, 89 and 413. Landscape Management Region: Murraylands and Riverland History: Ngaut-Ngaut Conservation Park was first proclaimed on 17 June 1976. Section 413 was added on 25 August 2005. The park was proclaimed to conserve and protect Aboriginal heritage and has great cultural significance for the descendants of the Nganguraku and Ngaiwang people (members of the Ngarrindjeri nation). The park contains a wide range of important cultural features and evidence of Aboriginal occupation, including extensive rock engravings and sites from which the park is named. The park is co-managed by DEW and the Mannum Aboriginal Community Association Incorporated (MACAI) Habitat: The park includes three main vegetation communities: the river bank/floodplain, the cliff-faces and the highland plain. The floodplain retains an open woodland formation of mature River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) and River Box (E. largiflorens) with an associated understorey of Lignum (Muehlenbeckia cunninghamii), Common Reed (Phragmites australis), and Bulrush (Typha sp). The cliff-faces are sparsely vegetated, supporting mainly native shrubs eg. Wattles (Acacia spp.) and bushes (eg. Narrow-leaf Hop-bush (Dodonaea viscosa) and Crinkle-leaf Daisy-bush (Olearia calcarea). The highland plain above the cliffs includes more substantial areas of remnant native vegetation. A small stand of low woodland comprises an association of Black Oak (Casuarina pauper) with Ruby Saltbush (Enchylaena tomentosa var. tomentosa), Short-leaf Bluebush (Marieana brevifolia) and Pointed Twinleaf (Zygophyllum apiculatum). An area of tall open shrubland also survives, comprising mainly Native Myrtle (Myoporum montanum) with Narrow-leaf Hopbush (Dodonaea viscosa ssp. angustissima) in the understorey. More information: DEW, NPWSSA Total Species Recorded to Date: 72 (non-passerines 44, passerines 28) Common Species: Whistling Kite, Laughing Kookaburra, Galah, Yellow Rosella, Superb Fairwren, White-plumed Honeyeater Less Common Species: White-necked Heron, Little Eagle, Australasian Swamphen, Peaceful Dove, Yellow-rumped Thornbill Updated: 26/07/2021 Download the bird list