Pelican Lagoon Conservation Park 147km SW from Adelaide CBD Where is it?: Pelican Lagoon Conservation Park is on the eastern end of Kangaroo Island 20km SW of Penneshaw. Owner: Department for Environment and Water. Property summary: Total area 449 hectares. Hundred of Dudley – Sections 178, 417, 452-454, 475-479, 512, 640, 641. Landscape Management Region: Kangaroo Island History: The islands (Sections 475-479) in Pelican Lagoon were proclaimed as a Fauna Conservation Reserve on 16 March 1967 and re-proclaimed as Pelican Lagoon Conservation Park on 27 April 1972. Sections 452 and 453 were added on 6 July 1978, Sections 512 and 641 on 9 August 1984, Sections 178, 417 and 640 on 6 February 2014. Habitat: The following habitats can be found Mallee – Coastal White Mallee (Eucalyptus diversifolia) Tall Open Shrubland – Coastal White Mallee and Swamp Paper-bark (Melaleuca halmaturorum) Low Open Shrubland – Coast Daisy Bush (Olearia axillaris) and Coast Beard-heath (Leucopogon parviflorus) Low very open shrubland – Beaded Samphire (Sarcocornia quinqueflora) More information: DEWNR Total Species Recorded to Date: 127 (non-passerines 86, passerines 41) Common Species: Bar-tailed Godwit, Common Greenshank, Bush Stone-curlew, Superb Fairywren, Red Wattlebird, Silvereye Less Common Species: Whimbrel, Sacred Kingfisher, Painted Buttonquail, Eastern Spinebill, Flame Robin, Beautiful Firetail Updated: 27/07/2021 Download the bird list