Telford Scrub Conservation Park 420km SE from Adelaide CBD About: Telford Scrub Conservation Park has a boardwalk 100 metres long and just over 4 metres high that is placed amongst the branches of the trees, enabling visitors to catch a glimpse of the many birds that live there. Where is it?: Telford Scrub Conservation Park is located 14 km north of Mt Gambier off Grundys Lane. Owner: Department for Environment and Water Property summary: Total area 170 hectares. Hundred of Young – Section 134.1 Landscape Management Region: Limestone Coast History: Telford Scrub Conservation Park was first proclaimed on 12 March 19872 Habitat: The Park comprises a series of sand ridges overlying limestone, giving way to low lying wetlands in the southern and eastern sections. It supports four major vegetation associations: Brown Stringybark (Eucalyptus baxteri) open woodland; Brown Stringybark/Rough-barked Manna Gum (E. viminalis subsp. cygnetensis) open woodland with isolated Blackwood (Acacia melanoxylon), and Silver Banksia (Banksia marginata), Native Box (Bursaria spinosa), and Bracken (Pteridium esculentum) understorey Swamp Gum (E. ovata) open woodland with an understorey of Heath Tea-tree (Leptospermum myrsinoides), bottlebrush tea-tree (Melaleuca squarrosa}, sword-sedge (Lepidosperma sp.), and rushes (Juncus sp); and low open shrubland dominated by Prickly Tea-tree (L. continentalis), Heath Tea-tree (L. myrsinoides), sedges (Ghania sp.) and rushes (Juncus sp.).3 Total Species Recorded to Date: 117 (non-passerines 65, passerines 52) Common Species: Black-winged Currawong, Superb Fairywren, Laughing Kookaburra, Australian Magpie, Crimson Rosella, White-browed Scrubwren, White-throated Treecreeper Less Common Species: Australian Boobook, Red-tailed Black Cockatoo, Pied Currawong, Satin Flycatcher, Grey Goshawk, Latham’s Snipe, White-browed Woodswallow More information: NPWSSA, WalkingSA References: 1 Department for Environment and Water (2019). Protected Areas Information System Property Summary Report (15 March 2019). Adelaide, South Australia. p. 56. 4 Government of South Australia (1987). National Parks and Wildlife Act, 1972, Sections 30 and 43: Telford Scrub Conservation Park Constituted. South Australian Government Gazette 11: 594.(12 March 1987). 4 Department of Environment and Natural Resources. (1994). Small Inland Parks of the South East Management Plan. Updated: 6/09/2021 Download the bird list