White Cliffs Reserve

Where is it?: White Cliffs Reserve is off Reldep Road along the Broughton River about 6km E of Koolunga. White Cliffs is a popular camping and recreational area on the banks of the River Broughton between Koolunga and Yacka.

Owner: Crown Land managed by Port Pirie Regional Council.

Property summary: Total area 14 hectares. Hundred of Koolunga – Sections 70 and 71 1.

Landscape Management Region: Northern and Yorke

History: White Cliffs Reserve was proclaimed as a Plantation and Recreation Reserve on 10 November 1977 under the care, control and management of the District Council of Redhill 2.

Habitat: The reserve is surrounded by farming land with very little biodiversity value. The river provides an important flora and fauna corridor through this farming land.

Total Species Recorded to Date: 55 (non-passerines 30, passerines 25 )

Common Species: White-plumed Honeyeater, Magpielark, Dusky Moorhen, Australian Reed Warbler, Willie Wagtail

Less Common Species: Rainbow Bee-eater, Australasian Grebe, Black-tailed Nativehen, Red Wattlebird


 1 Port Pirie Regional Council (2018?). Community Land Register. Item 31. Port Pirie, South Australia.

 2 Government of South Australia (1977). Crown Lands Act, 1929-1977: Hundred of Koolunga—Plantation and Recreation Reserve Dedicated. The South Australian Government Gazette. 52: 1425. (10 November 1977). 

Updated: 28/07/2021


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