White-plumed Honeyeater

Ptilotula penicillata

  White-plumed Honeyeaters give clear melodious “chick-o-wee” calls with numerous variants, and are particularly noticeable early in the morning. Sharp penetrating “pee-pee-pee”, alarm calls are given in response to predators. White-plumed honeyeaters feed on nectar, arthropods, lerp and manna. They forage at all levels of eucalypts but mainly in tree crowns. Breeding occurs mainly in the spring months (late August to November). The nests are small cups of woven grass, placed several metres above the ground in the crown of a eucalypt. They are often parasitized by Pallid (Cuculus pallidus),…

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Fan-tailed Cuckoo

Cacomantis flabelliformis

Around the world the call of the cuckoo heralds the arrival of spring, but it is often not the same type of cuckoo. In South Australia of the nine species of cuckoo recorded and the one you are most likely to hear is the Fan-tailed Cuckoo, whose loud descending trills resound through the woodlands in early spring. When you hear them, look up into the canopy. Unlike the rest of the year the bird is often prominent at this time when the males wants to be seen and heard by…

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Rainbow Lorikeet

Trichoglossus haematodus

We are fortunate to have one of the most colourful parrots in the world, the Rainbow Lorikeet, living in our suburbs. The largest of the lorikeets, it’s violet-blue head, lime green nape, orange breast and green back, combined with a coral-red beak, are distinctive. Rainbow Lorikeets give a loud, strident contact call repeatedly in flight. Flocks, in particular, can be very noisy flying overhead, and when settling in to roost. Rainbow Lorikeets feed mainly on nectar and pollen from trees and shrubs but also take fruits, seeds and insects. In…

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Australian Magpie

Gymnorhina tibicen

With their striking black-and-white plumage, it is no wonder they are a favourite mascot of numerous footy teams and other organisations. Their carolling, even late at night, is one of the most Australian of sounds, and they are regarded as one of the best songbirds in the world. Both sexes sing and often do so together (carolling) or by taking turns (duetting). They can have a substantial repertoire which includes mimics of other birds and animals found in their territory. Sometimes they will sing for long periods on their own…

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Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo

Cacatua leadbeateri

Named after one of Australia’s first explorers of the inland, the Major Mitchell’s Cockatoo is much less raucous than its Sulphur-crested cousin. Its plumage features delicate shades of pink as well as a colourful crest, making this species one of the more attractive cockatoos. It spends much of its day feeding on the ground with other cockatoos (though usually separate from them) or in trees or shrubs. A denizen of the inland, Major Mitchell’s Cockatoos live in arid and semi-arid regions of Australia, where they generally inhabit wooded habitats. They…

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