Where is it?: Shell Hill Reserve is located at the corner of Murraylands Road and Black Hill Road, Back Hill. Entrance and parking is off Black Hill Road.       Owner: Crown Land managed by the Mid Murray Council1. Property summary: Total area…

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Where is it?: Neagle Rocks Reserve is located off Neagles Rocks Road, Clare. Owner: Owned and managed by the Clare and Gilbert Valleys Council. Property summary: Total area 13 hectares. Hundred of Clare – Lot 37 (Deposited Plan 44629), Lots 104-105 (Filed Plan…

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Where is it?: Martin Washpool Conservation Park is immediately south of Salt Creek Road and east of the Princess Highway at Salt Creek between Meningie and Kingston, SE. Owner: Department for Environment and Water. Property summary: Total area 2,851 hectares. Hundred of Messent…

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