South Australian Ornithologist, Volume 22

Volume 22, Part 1. March, 1956

1956V22P1Spotted Bower-bird in South Australia  E.F. Boehm pp. 2-3.

Some birds of the Burra Creek  R. Schodde pp. 3-5, 12.

Movements of birds – Part II  Brian Glover pp. 6-8.

Notes on cuckoos in South Australia  J. Neil McGilp pp. 9-12.

Fork-tailed Swifts  Graham Brown p. 12.



Volume 22, Part 2. August 1, 1956

South Australian Ornithological Association; List of Members  pp. 14-17.

Proceedings  pp. 18-19.

Notes from Naracoorte  R. Attiwill pp. 19-20.

Additional South Australian records  Brian Glover and R. Schodde pp. 20-22.

Hawks of Yorke Peninsula  Gordon Beruldsen pp. 23-25.

Movements of birds – Part III – in other states  Brian Glover pp. 25-28.

A note on the Night Parrot  G. Beruldsen p. 28.

Volume 22, Part 3. March, 1957

A journey to Cooper Creek  Brian Glover pp. 30-36.

Domestic disturbance  G.B. Ragless pp. 36-37.

Autumn migration of the Short-tailed Shearwater or Mutton-bird H.M. Cooper p. 37.

A list of the birds of the Koonamore Reserve  R. Schodde pp. 38-39.

The Little Egret  Brian Glover p. 39.

Common Tern Sterna hirundo South Australia  A.H. Lendon p. 40.

Volume 22, Part 4. October 18, 1957

Of what value are sight records?
  H.T. Condon pp. 42-44.

Neoteny and the evolution of the ratites  H.T. Condon pp. 44-46.

Tawny Frogmouth in captivity  B. Thomas pp. 46-47.

Notes on the breeding of the Tawny Frogmouth (Podargus strigoides)  Rex Ellis p. 47.

Notes on the White-breasted Sea-Eagle  Saml. Sanders, Jun. pp. 47-48.

Breeding of the Australian Pratincole  Chris Brandis p. 48.

Calling of the Tawny Frogmouth Rex Ellis pp. 48-49.

Birds of Flinders Chase, Kangaroo Island  A. Jeffery pp. 49-52.

Some nesting notes  G.B. Ragless pp. 52-53.

Reports and general notes  pp. 53-55.

Black Kites  B.C. Newland p. 56.

Recovery of a South Australian ringed Puffinus tenuirostris in the Bering Sea  D.L. Serventy p. 56.

Volume 22, Parts 5-6. September 1, 1958


The Yellow-tufted Honeyeater – A new record from South Australia J.B. Hood and A.R. Attiwill p. 58.

Letter-winged Kite on Eyre Peninsula  Lionel Schulze p. 58.

Some notes on the Yellow-tufted Honeyeater  Allan McEvey p. 59.

Grenadier Weaver Pyromelana orix  Mrs R.J. Maidment-Wilson p. 59.

Naracoorte notes  A.R. Attiwill p. 60.

Further records from the Flinders Ranges  A. Jeffery pp. 60-61.

First unacceptable record of the Pectoral Sandpiper from South Australia  E.F. Boehm and H.T. Condon p. 61.

Reports and general notes  pp. 62-66.

Races, colonisation and migration in the Silvereye Gould League notes (N.S.W.), May, 1958 Allen Keast reviewed by H.T. Condon pp. 66-67.

“I name this parrot …” Arthur A. Prestwich  reviewed by H.T. Condon p.67.

Currawongs on Kangaroo Island  H.M. Cooper p. 67.

Birds seen on a trip to Troubridge Island, S.A.  Rex Ellis p. 68.

Recoveries of ringed Puffinus tenuirostris in the North Pacific  D.L. Serventy pp. 68-69.

Strange behaviour of two Wedge-tailed Eagles  Rex Ellis p. 69.

Notes from the north  B.C. Newland pp. 70-71.

A distribution study of the South-Polar Skua  Carl B. Eklund pp. 71-73.

Some notes on the Black-shouldered Kite  G.B. Ragless pp. 73-75.

Yorke Peninsula notes  G. Beruldsen p. 75.

Notes from Mulyungarie Station  Tony McNamara p. 76.

The Mistletoe Bird as a mimic  G.B. Ragless p. 76.

The Little Egret in South Australia  H.T. Condon pp. 77-83.

Volume 22, Parts 7-8. April 7, 1959


A review of ‘Least’ terns in Australian Waters  W.B. Hitchcock pp. 86-106.